
Well Known Member
Today we have perfect weather in Denver before rain and snow move in tomorrow, so I took advantage of the opportunity to fly my RV-8 down to Colorado Springs and back.

Here's the view heading south:


The Rockies to the west:


And the Great Plains to the east:

I am jealous of your perfect weather in Denver. I couldn't even leave the house because of Big Blizzard. Second day without flying :(

I am jealous of your perfect weather in Denver. I couldn't even leave the house because of Big Blizzard. Second day without flying :)

I feel your pain. Over 3 feet of snow at Cedar Meadows. I'm probably down for a month.

Vlad, hope you can get out to the airport soon and get back in the air. Hopefully it won't take too long for the airport to open and get the -9 dug out! I am sure I am not alone wondering what 24 inches of snow looks like and how you dig it out - pictures please;)

I feel for you guys on the East Coast. I attended college in central NJ (and I was a pilot then too) and I know that when you get heavy snows they stick around for a long time.

Denver gets hammered in February and March, when the flow comes from the Gulf of Mexico. Snowfalls of 1 or 2 feet are not uncommon that time of year. But it almost always melts within a week or two. Nice to be high, dry and sunny most of the year.

Stay safe, guys back East, and I hope you'll be able to fly soon.

As for me, I'll be on the sofa tomorrow watching the AFC Championship. Go Broncos!
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More Colorado Front Range

Hey all,

Got to run up to Boulder today. Here is the Sabrina Lee with the Flat Irons in the background taken at the Boulder ramp.

A look at the Flat Irons while flying south back to KFLY.

And finally downtown Denver. The Broncos were playing New England today, and you can just make out the stadium if you know where to look. Of course they had a TFR out over it, so this is as close as we got.

You guys on the east coast stay warm, it will be good flying weather soon! It is snowing here now.

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