
Well Known Member
Hi list:

I've discovered that on my slowbuild matched hole wings, I've come across something I wasn't expecting. In clecoing the ribs to the main and rear spars, that the three inboard W-711 ribs that go under the wing walk area dont seem to match up hole for hole to the rear spar. These three locations are co-located with the fork doubler on the rear spar at the wing root. There is plenty of room on the rib flange to drill through the rear spar and drill new holes. I can't find anything in the written plans nor on the blueprint addressing this. Haven't called Vans yet, but will tomorrow if I don't get an answer.

Surely, someone has come across this before on the slowbuild, matched hole kits. It's probably something really simple, but it escapes me. I've double checked, and triple checked to make sure the correct ribs are in the correct position. What gives here??

IIRC, you have to drill new holes in a couple of those ribs ... the unused holes are left open.

Just checked - my directions say this:

"Most of the ribs simply fit the spar without modification, but the rear flanges of the three inboard W-711 ribs require two new rivet holes. Drill these, using the holes in the spar as guides. The holes left unused in the rib are simply abandoned."

see page 7-3
my version is 8-s7-1r6 1/20/05

-8 wings
Well, that makes sense. My version of the plans are much older (2001...yes I know...there was a couple of year hiatus), and only address some leading edge ribs needing to be drilled. Thanks for checking. Now I can go drilling!

-8 wings