
Well Known Member
Finally ready to move the wings to craddle...Sudden paranoia has set in not knowing how heavy they may be, or the balance of them when maneuvering...
Do I need "Vic" from the local weight lifting club ??? I don't like surprises.
Hi Terry,

Wings are not that heavy and can easily be handled by two adults. One can grab the spar end and the other can take hold through the lightning holes on the outboard rib (gloves will help).

I moved my wings with the help of my teenage son several times without an issue.

Good Luck,

Mike Draper
RV-8 N468RV

RV-8 Wing Move to Craddle

One thing I will caution you if they sit in the wing craddle for a period of time, protect the leading edge. I build my RV 7A in a garage with the door open. I don't own a cat but all my neighbors do. The various cats of the neighborhood came into my garage and sprayed my wings sitting in the craddles. I did not notice the damage until I took the wings out to put them my plane. It looked like acid had been sprayed on the leading edge of my wings. I was able to lightly sand off the damage but decided to paint my wings immediately. I put my wings in a cover to prevent the cats from spraying them and doing more damage. Just a precaution if you don't close your garage door.

S S Anderson
RV 7A flying
Lafayette, La.
Another part of the genius of Van's designs is not only are the wings light enough for an average man and (possibly) his less than athletic wife to pick up and carry around but that each wing without the flaps and ailerons attached will lay down perfectly flat between the wheel wells of any standard size pick up truck. That is how I transported them to the airport......two trips, one wing at a time.