
Well Known Member
I am in the process of building a couuple of wing jacks (with safety locks) for an unfinished RV-8. Does anyone have a minimum height for jacks to get under the wing ? ALSO, How high to they need to go to get the mains off of the ground ?
Thanks for any imput.
If you build one to the specs of this commercial jack it works really well for me. I think it’s 24 inches when retracted.


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Wing jacks

THANK YOU for the answers....Still have the question of What is the height. How tall must the extended jack extend in order to get mains off of floor ? Any ideas ?
The Kitplanes article linked by MacCool above should answer your question; I’d throw out measurements myself but I’m not at my hangar with a tape measure.

It appears that Harbor Freight doesn’t sell these flat base, long reach rams any more, but, you can get ‘em from Northern Tool or even Walmart online. Either of these will do the job.
Wing jacks

Thank You.....My cylinders only go 39" high...KItplane article says that his go to 44". I can build mine to incorporate higher OR just build a separate platform to raise entire unit off floor when I know how high wing must be up.