Chris Santschi

Active Member
Has any body had a problem with the wheel pant fairing on the RV8 applying pressure to the brake assembly. All I seem to need is 1/8 inch to releave the pressure, has any body found this to be a problem, and what was the fix. Simple is better.

Chris S 627CS

When I was building, there were a number of posts on the Yahoo RV-8 Group talking about wheel pant/brake interference. I was anticipating having to put in a blister, but didn't have any problem when I went to fit the pants. You might do a search on that group and see if you can dredge up the history.

Chris Santschi said:
Has any body had a problem with the wheel pant fairing on the RV8 applying pressure to the brake assembly. All I seem to need is 1/8 inch to releave the pressure, has any body found this to be a problem, and what was the fix. Simple is better.

Chris S 627CS
I found that simply bending the wheel pant mount bracket inboard a bit provided the clearance I needed. I've mounted four sets of wheel pants now and they all contact the corner of the caliper without some additional "tweaking".
Chris, It sounds like Randy lists the fix if you are using Vans stock gear legs. I installed the Grove aluminum gear legs and found that the additional thickness of the aluminum gear could not be overcome by tweaking the wheelpant mounting bracket. I had to install a blister also. Once painted it is barely noticeable.