
Well Known Member
I keep thinking RV-8 even to the point of ordering the pre view plan and now have made a deal with a friend and his Citabria to see if I can land and walk away from it. :)

There must be someone here who has experience with the 8 and a Citabria. Tell me about it, how are they alike and how are they different. Thanks.
Hi David!
I had about 120hrs in a 7GCBC when I flew my 8, in alot of ways the 8 is much easier to handle!!! Honestly the biggest diffrence besides speed is the 8 won't float like the citabria will, but having a 7 I am sure you know that.
You will love the 8!!:D
Initial Impressions

I was able to fly both the Citabria (7GCBC) and RV8 (180 hp w/two blade FP prop) back-to-back in Sept.

I'm a taildragger novice, so my comments may fall in the FWIW category:

RV8 had much better control feel (typical for the RV6A, 7A, and 8 that I've flown). Very balanced control feel and only two-three fingers on the stick, even in steep turn, and even then it wants to climb. Not to mention better horizontal and vertical visibility. :D

Citabria felt much heavier-not bad, but much more control effort required when compared to the 8, especially in a steep turn. Much better downward visibility (typical high wing, but better than Cessna due to tandem seating).

Both were fun to fly...but it was no contest. Building an 8.
I keep thinking RV-8 even to the point of ordering the pre view plan and now have made a deal with a friend and his Citabria to see if I can land and walk away from it. :)

There must be someone here who has experience with the 8 and a Citabria. Tell me about it, how are they alike and how are they different. Thanks.

The Citabria is a good trainer, and I think things happen a little more slowly, which gives you more time to react to a deteriorating landing. It'd also a little slower to recover.

The RV-8, OTOH, has much quicker and more powerful control response, and I think would be harder to learn from scratch in.

Once learned however, I think the -8 is easier to land.

Airborne, there is no comparison. Control pressures are far lighter and the responses much quicker and more positive in the RV. If you get used to rolling the -8, you won't enjoy the Citabria for acro as much.

The Citabria may be the better "summer, elbow out the window, drop into small grass strip" airplane though.

Disclaimer: I have flown Citabrias back to back with Decathlons in the past, and Decathlons back-to-back with the RV-8, but the last time I flew an actual Citabria was years before I flew the RV-8.
I own a Supercub and a RV8.

I have enough hours in the Cub that it feels like home. The 8 and I have known each other for only about 70 hours and are still dating.
Alignment in the Cub consists of positive control imput, more of a stab with the rudder, the 8 consists of more of a touch.

The Cub begs to be three pointed, the 8..not so much. But with a touch of power the 8 will three point fine.

I would say that the 8 would be a easier transition from the Citabria than vis versa. Just trim a little bit of forward stick in the 8 and flair it a little tail low and when the mains touch, release the pressure. Don't start messing with the rudders until you feel the need and then make very small corrections so ya won't have to make the big ones.

I had 500 hours 6A time before I bought the RV8 and did my own transition and had no problem....but I was comfortable in a taildragger.

If you have little or no tailwheel time it would be well worth getting a throrough transistion in a tailwheel RV.
Hi David

I have about 60 hours in the Citabria, most dual given. I have 450 hours now in my RV8. The Citabria, first, is more of a rudder airplane, especially in the air, as in rolling into turns, etc.

But, no doubt you are asking about ground handling. I think they are pretty comparable, among the easier taildraggers. They are both still taildraggers, and you need to pay attention, but straightforward.

For me, the RV8 really does not like 3 point landings. This from someone who lands his C185 3-point a lot (both ways to be fair), and others even up to a Grumman Widgeon 3-point...the RV8 is just too twitchy at high speed with the tailwheel down. The Citabria is happy with either style landing.

But all in all, if you can handle one, you can handle the other.

Have fun!!
You will love the 8!

I transitioned from a 1966 Piper Cherokee 160 to RV8. You can do it. I got my taildragger endorsement in a Super Decathelon. I loved that plane. My very first flight in N214TK was nerve-racking. However, I knew I just had to stay ahead of it. I agree with what others say about the Citrabia(spelling). I truly feel the RV8 is easier to land. I am now comfortable wheel landing my 8. Before I would always 3 point her. However, after getting better with practice I now questions myself why I had not started earlier wheel landing. The 200 hp does make a difference.

Also, the 8 is truly sexy on the ground or in the air. Go for it. You will not have any regrets.
Darren Kerns
RV8 N214TK
Taswll, IN
Hangared at FRH
I flew a 7KCAB for years before getting into the RVs. I have only a couple hours in the 8 but the positive control feel of the 8 makes me feel more comfortable in all phases of flight. It is even a little slower feeling on final (note: I said feeling because my 7KCAB didn't have flaps and I usually landed it too fast) and the visibility is way better. I've also flown a Pitts S2B for a few years and the RV captures my favorite parts of both planes - control feel and climb like the Pitts but you can actually see the airport that you're trying to land at like the Citabria :)
There is no comparison, the RV-8 is a much more capable airplane. It does all the aerobatics you can do in a Citabria and the Citabria is no match for cross-country capability. Plus the visibility in the -8 is outstanding.

7KCAB -vs- RV4/6/7/8 NOT!

Other than the fact the RV will make the Citabria look like its chained to the ground, they're pretty close.

Never mind the 7KCAB.

I've flown just about all of them - the Champ/Citabria/Scout/Decathlon and Super-D. I don't think they're necessarily easier to handle on the ground. They have that high wing with less control authority, and most don't have flaps. I'd take my old RV4 against a 7KCAB any day into a short field. The RV's will three point nicely, and will really grease if you get the tail on just a few inches before the mains.

I also don't like the control balance in the Citabria, unless spades are fitted. The ailerons are much heavier than the elevator. That's backwards - the ailerons should be lighter than the elevator for good control balance. The SX300 was like that too.

I did a fair amount of instruction in the Citabria/Decathlons, and have ridden through a couple ground loops (no damage :)) The high wing with its weight and area up there and big slab-sided fuselage will get your attention in a cross wind even taxiing. The RV has plenty of control right into the flare.

When it comes to acro, yes, the Citabria can do alot - if you have about 5000 feet to payout. But you have to coax it through anything over-the-top, and it bleeds energy quickly. They don't maintain a good energy package by themselves. But they are tons of fun to spin and they make great toilet paper chasers! :D

The RV's (4,6,7,8, whatever) can hold their own through mild aerobatics including over-the-top maneuvers. Carefully flown, you can actually gain energy in a 200HP RV while impressing your friend with the never-ending roller coaster ride. The KCAB will not do that, not even close.

As you can see, I have my opinion here. Get the RV. It will make you grin :):p:D;)

Edit: I see you have a 7A - excellent. Have no fear of the taildragger RV's. They're very nice to handle on takeoff and landing.
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I'm sorry I didn't fully read your post... I see you are already flying a -7A. So you already know the aerobatic and cross-country capabilities of the RVs vs the Citabria! Landing the airplanes are very similar. If you can land the airbatiC then you can land the RV. Although for whatever reason, I find the RV a touch easier to wheel land than the Citabria and the Citabria a little easier to 3-point than the RV. Don't ask me why... I don't know.

BTW, I do have a 200 hp RV-8 and can second the comment about gaining energy (even at 5000') while performing multiple maneuvers. This afternoon was perfect weather here in GA. I am working on my hammerhead stalls. I did about 8 yesterday and about 6 today. Today's were much better. I sure wish I could tell what they looked like from the ground! I then visited my lot at Lyons Landing. Got out, walked around the woods for a while. Got back in and capped off the lovely evening with a practice VOR/DME RWY 31 at Falcon Field (FFC). Awesome planes!

N84JE 170 grinning hours!