
I'm New Here
I was poking around the VAF boards back in the fall of '15 in search of RV8 transition training while in the process of purchasing a used, flying RV8. I stumbled on a post recommending Bruce Bohannon down in Angleton, TX. I knew nothing about him (he's got an interesting aviation history come to find out), but the poster had a good experience and Bruce was only about an hour from me in Houston, so I decided to give him a call.

Bruce offers RV8 transition training in an RV8 from the front seat! Yes, the front seat. He's based out of 81D Flyin' Tiger and the two 2000'+ foot grass runways offer a unique soft field training experience. 81D is also within 10-15 RV minutes from several other airports with various length runways and runway orientations to practice crosswind landing no matter which way the wind is blowing.

Bruce has a colorful personality with an adaptive instructional style. He'll teach you how fly the airplane, coach you when you need it, and let you goof up occasionally so you can see what wrong looks like.

The call to Bruce ended up being one of the best phone calls I have made in my ongoing aviation education. If you're transitioning to an RV8 or just want to be a better pilot I cant recommended him highly enough. While you're there you might want to schedule some extra time to go fly the Legend Cub and Pitts S2B.

Bruce's email is [email protected].
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