Hi Gentlemen. I'm in the market for an existing 8 and now have a tail wheel endorsement although I have minimal hours in a TW, and those only in a Champs. I had a blast but know I need additional training and some hours will be required by my insurance company anyway.

Any specific recommendations on experienced pilots who can help me get trained properly? When I find one I want to buy, I'd like to be ready to bring it home. I'm in AVL currently, and spend the other half of the year in MLB.

Hi Gentlemen. I'm in the market for an existing 8 and now have a tail wheel endorsement although I have minimal hours in a TW, and those only in a Champs. I had a blast but know I need additional training and some hours will be required by my insurance company anyway.

Any specific recommendations on experienced pilots who can help me get trained properly? When I find one I want to buy, I'd like to be ready to bring it home. I'm in AVL currently, and spend the other half of the year in MLB.


I may not be a gentleman :) but I have a name for you. Jan Bussell in FL http://www.rv6flyjan.com/html/bio.asp , he has an RV-6 he can train in and this is accepted by the insurance companies to train in for the RV-8. I was looking through my records for someone in the NC area but could not find anyone. This page http://www.meyette.us/training.htm also has a lot of names.

For insurance purposes most carriers are looking for pilots to have at least 200 Total hours and 25 hours in tailwheel aircraft. I would try and build up your tailwheel hours as much as you can before needing insurance for an RV-8. This will help keep the dual required in the RV to a reasonable amount. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.


Jenny Estes
NationAir Aviation Insurance
[email protected] / http://lightaircraft.nationair.com/
Jan Bussell

I had nose gear training with Jan in his 6A about a year ago and he was an outstanding instructor. He has a relaxed demeanor which went a long ways towards being comfortable flying with him. You'll fly out of his grass strip that is located out in the middle of nowhere and head to Okeechobee for practice landings.
Be at his front door at 7:00 am and he'll be waiting for you!
Highly recommended.

Jim Diehl 7A
Lock Haven Pa

Yes, he's a very smooth professional. He's a retired college professor, so he's very experienced in teaching. As Jim Diehl said,, he has a very relaxed and calm demeanor. I took training from him in 2010, and highly recommend him.
Another happy grad of Jan's training (class of June 2011). I thoroughly tested that relaxed and calm demanor trying to master cross wind landings. He maintained his cool throughout. I felt as confident as possible doing my first flight two weeks later.