
I'm New Here
New to the VAF, and curious to know if there are ever any completed RV-8s for sale posted in the classifieds for this website. I have looked on XXXXX and the likes, but seem few and far between with the used market for RV-8s. If anyone knows of a seller please pass along their contact if possible. I am a serious buyer looking for a good RV-8 as a second plane to my Cherokee 6 family station wagon.


>>Moderator Edit: Removed reference to non-VAF-advertiser sale hub IAW VAF posting rules.<<
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They do come up from time to time in here. Post your must haves, like to haves and price range you're trying to stay in. Be vigilant and keep an eye out in here as well.
New to the VAF, and curious to know if there are ever any completed RV-8s for sale posted in the classifieds for this website. I have looked on XXXXX and the likes, but seem few and far between with the used market for RV-8s. If anyone knows of a seller please pass along their contact if possible. I am a serious buyer looking for a good RV-8 as a second plane to my Cherokee 6 family station wagon.


Check your PM's.
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