When I try to download, I get a message that a maximum of 25 guest downloads are allowed per day. That limit has been reached.
Nope...that won't work. I guess I have to pay for the service to allow more downloads. If anyone knows of a FREE web storage site let me know. Otherwise PM me with your email and I'll send it direct.

Sorry :(
Web Storage

I use Dropbox which gives 2 GB of free storage space. Don't know about allowing unlimited access to the data though.

Mitch Garner
RV-4 flying
I was able to download a copy and will gladly send it to the first 5 people that PM me.

If other's that get it will do the same, it will help Ken without creating more work for him.

BTW, even though I've got a flying 7A, I found your test plan to be quite interesting - now I just have to review it in more detail.
A work around

After clicking on the link select view/play instead of download. You will then have the option of printing to file or if you have the sw you can save as a PDF file.
Axel - you know exactly how much work goes into that. Luckily though I didn't really care if every reference, note, or indentation was exactly right like those Nazi TPS instructors did so this was much easier. Thanks for the updated link too!
That's pretty nifty. Who built your airplane while you spent the last 3 years creating the document? :)

Have fun and be safe. Your aircraft looks awesome!
Ha! Test Plan took about 5 hours. One thing they taught us well at TPS was how to get it done quick

Thanks for the complement.

AS I would expect from someone with Ken's background, this is an excellent example of the kind of "pre-work" that folks really should do before setting out in to Phase 1. If nothing else, reading what Ken put together will help folks understand the kind of contingency planning and safety evaluations that should be in your head during the flight test phase of your airplane.

While it is pretty true that testing RV is really more like production flight test than it is experimental flight test (assuming it was built to plans with a standard, recommended engine and prop, CG in the range), there are still things that can go wrong, and we need to be mentally prepared for them. Testing an RV is NOT like going up for the first flight in a one-off design, but these airplanes can still kill you for stupid reasons. I've helped to test flying machines across the entire speed spectrum known to man, and while the dangers at high Mach are obvious, even a Wright Flyer can kill you....

Oh Ken, just remember that this isn't a high-performance military airplane....a few test conditions that you might consider "normal" could get a little wild. Ask Kevin H. about red line negative-G pushovers....;)
Thanks Paul!

It was recently brought to my attention of control force reversal during high G-loading issue in the RV8. Do you or anyone else know the details?

Nice work!

Holly cow! Nice work Ken! I appreciate you sharing that with the masses. I'll definately be 'borrowing' some of this for my own RV8 test in the near-distant future.

Thanks alot Ken! I've just gotten to the point of no more "test plan due tomorrow" nightmares. It's been 30 years (Class 79).
You have done a splendid Job and the CFI whomever he is today would be proud of you.
Don Stiver
Class 70 USNTPS
You can publish it in Google docs for free. Nevermind I found the post with the links. :)
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Oh Ken, just remember that this isn't a high-performance military airplane....a few test conditions that you might consider "normal" could get a little wild. Ask Kevin H. about red line negative-G pushovers....;)

Actually, my engine overspeed event was from a much more benign flight condition. 200 kt, one g, 18 deg nose down. The event was triggered by pulling the throttle from full throttle back towards idle - much as a pilot might do in response to a nose low unusual attitude if the airspeed speed was high.

Bottom line - Don't assume that the large number of RVs flying means all corners of the envelope must have been well cleared by now.
wow! Just read the entire thread concerning Kevin's overspeed event. Presumably by now you are up and flying again?

Thankfully I have a fixed pitch wood prop and am pretty sure the fine pitch stops are set where they will always be :)

Like you Kevin, I plan to thoroughly test and document the entire envelope as much for fun and keeping those tester skills honed as the need to fully understand my bird.

Build-up is the key as you pointed out. Thanks for the post!


wow! Just read the entire thread concerning Kevin's overspeed event. Presumably by now you are up and flying again?
Yeah, the aircraft was on the ground for about four months after the overspeed event, but it is flying again with an aerobatic prop and governor.