
Well Known Member
What dimensions would be needed for plates to put on the floor of a RV-8 under the rudder pedals so the heels of your shoes would not shoe wear on the cabin floor?

I have a sheet of stainless that would be perfect to cut a pair of rectangles to accomplish this.
No need for heavy stainless steel heal plates. I purchased a pair of those over twenty years ago but couldn't bring myself to install them. I cut two plates out of .032 aluminum and screwed them down over the thin carpet I used, and they work great as heal plates and secure the carpet to the floor as well.

I also removed the two #3 bolts that hold the adjustable rudder pedals tube to the floor. I slid the carpet under the end fitting off the slide tube and rudder pedals. Once the carpet was in place used a soldering iron to locate the bolt holes. I replaced the #3 bolts and the end fitting also holds the carpet in place. The carpet is cut as to not interfere with the nylon sliders on the outside of the rudder pedal pivot shafts. When the carpet gets too soiled, I just replace it.

The size of my heal plates is around 6"L X 5" W.
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It's so funny that you brought this up. When we replaced the dishwasher I took the door apart and kept the stainless door skin with the specific idea that I would eventually cut heel skid plates out of it.

It's been leaning in the corner of the garage for 3 years now waiting for me to finish the airplane :)
I encourage you to do this. I took the time to put SS heel plates in my biplane build and am really glad I did. Great wear protection, very stylish and (soon to find out) very functional as well.

Can't help you with dimensions, sorry.


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