
Well Known Member
Had great time yesterday flying the airplane I built and sold to a friend....shot 6 landings at 3 airports and then gave first check out ride to new owner.

My friend is good tail dragger pilot but thought he'd rather start in back seat to get feel of airplane. So off we went. Did steep turns, slow flight and glides in landing configuration.

Next flight may have him climb in front seat, have throttle in back seat but that's it.

Has anyone here landed the 8 from back seat? Have a notion to try it but don't want to wreck airplane.
With no rudder pedals, be quick to advance the throttle and go around! Maybe even practice some go arounds first.

Hey, my 1000th post! Cool
I trained with Bruce Bohannon in an -8 and he sat back seat and definitely helped me with my first few landings (his plane is modified to have good full rear seat rudder pedals, not just the Vans kit).

For what it's worth, he told me he had no forward visibility when landing back there and relied solely on peripheral vision and feel.
I?ve trained a couple guys in my backseat and it?s perfectly doable, BUT, don?t get behind because the stock rear rudder pedals suck.. that?s as nice as I could be..
Vis is really a non event if you have ever flown a Pitts or other similar biplanes. Look out the side and have fun..
Thanks guys, will go at this with some caution. I have the Vans pedals but they are not optimal. What is needed is an old fashioned grass field a mile wide and a mile long. :)
New RV-8 Pilot

Have flown with new owner a few times with him in back seat doing air work and making simulated approaches. The machine has throttle and Vans rudder pedals.

His control of airplane has been very good, he can see ASI over my left shoulder and has done very well maintaining speed, calling for flaps, flying right down to flare and going around. Did not want to risk landing from back seat but it probably would have worked out with limited visibility.

Today we swapped seats. We took our time making sure check list was completed, talked about take off with nearly full tanks and 2 people. Once airborne did some air work, made several approaches to farm grass strip, did not land not knowing surface condition. The decide to head back to Troy Airpark for landing on 1700' grass, he has flown out of this airport and knows it well.

Landing was excellent so I got out and briefed on how airplane would be different with no one in back seat and off he went. Shot 4 full stop landings and finally called it a day back at hangar.

He had the typical RV-8 grin....it was a good day all around. :)