
Well Known Member
Yesterday I made the maiden flight with my new RV-8. It was a QB kit and kept me busy for the last one and a half years.
The flight was uneventful and just everything worked as expected. No need to correct the flight controls and all engine parameters are in the middle of the green. Oil temp is on the low side and even CHT was only 350 F with 75% power - I expected higher CHTs!
At higher airspeeds the rear of the canopy is lifting may be 1/4 inch or so and there was quite some air rushing in from behind. After landing I found a minor oil leak on the center fitting of the inverted oil valve. Retorqued the fitting and glued some soft rubber seals inside the rear of the canopy skirts and today on flights 3 and 4 all was perfect. What a fun plane !!

WOW! time well spent!

one and a half years????? most people take longer to PAINT!

congrats on getting airborne,
( perhaps even in time to give the kids a ride before they graduate college etc.?! ) :)

I'm sure we have NO idea how long it took to do the paperwork.....some say it eventually exceeds the gross weight of the aircraft!!!!
Yesterday I made the maiden flight with my new RV-8. It was a QB kit and kept me busy for the last one and a half years.
The flight was uneventful and just everything worked as expected. No need to correct the flight controls and all engine parameters are in the middle of the green. Oil temp is on the low side and even CHT was only 350 F with 75% power - I expected higher CHTs!
At higher airspeeds the rear of the canopy is lifting may be 1/4 inch or so and there was quite some air rushing in from behind. After landing I found a minor oil leak on the center fitting of the inverted oil valve. Retorqued the fitting and glued some soft rubber seals inside the rear of the canopy skirts and today on flights 3 and 4 all was perfect. What a fun plane !!

Dumb question I'm sure, but what are P-Mags?
Really Not Bad!

Congratulations Herman!!!

Welcome to the center seat! Now right hand patterns are easy too.

Congratulations. And glad to see someone holding the boy back. He looks like he's ready to bust a cap! 😁
one and a half years????? most people take longer to PAINT!

congrats on getting airborne,
( perhaps even in time to give the kids a ride before they graduate college etc.?! ) :)

I'm sure we have NO idea how long it took to do the paperwork.....some say it eventually exceeds the gross weight of the aircraft!!!!

Yes indeed, that is really fast! Now you can also visit our fly-in for Experimental aircraft next year on 30 June & 1,2 July in Belgium (EBLE): :D
Jerry, there are only "dumb" answers. P-Mag is the electronic ignition magneto from emagair, maybe I´m using the wrong wording.

The boy is presently not really eager to go flying, perhaps because he saw airplanes, airplane pictures and model airplanes from day one. He is enjoying more to drive the 72 Corvette, if you look close you can see it in the background. He is almost ready for his first solo.

And Bruce the center seat is really cool, until now I only did left hand patterns but that will change. Taxiing is easier, no more dead spot on the right.

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Yesterday I made the maiden flight with my new RV-8. It was a QB kit and kept me busy for the last one and a half years.
The flight was uneventful and just everything worked as expected. No need to correct the flight controls and all engine parameters are in the middle of the green. Oil temp is on the low side and even CHT was only 350 F with 75% power - I expected higher CHTs!
At higher airspeeds the rear of the canopy is lifting may be 1/4 inch or so and there was quite some air rushing in from behind. After landing I found a minor oil leak on the center fitting of the inverted oil valve. Retorqued the fitting and glued some soft rubber seals inside the rear of the canopy skirts and today on flights 3 and 4 all was perfect. What a fun plane !!

Contrats. Hope to fly with you soon. Visit EDML Landshut for a coffee.
Well done

Hermann, what a great looking plane! Makes me want to head to Germany and collect on the ride you offered!
What a fine looking RV-8 Herman.

Congrats on the build and first flight.

Perfect 3 point landing attitude over grass, did it settle in without a bounce? :)
Hey Bob - any time. I owe you something!

On this very first landing it did in fact bounce, our field is kind of rough with some bumps and obviously I hit one. The picture was made just before the one already posted and a short burst of power gave me a second chance for the 3-pointer.

The prop is a Whirlwind 74RV. When I received it I thought it is too nice to put on an airplane more so on a wall for decoration. But then I still would need another one....