
Well Known Member
I have found a decent rv-7 add on and a poor rv-8 add on for Microsoft Flight sim 9 and X.

Does anyone know of a really good RV-8 add on? If so a link would be great.

If not, anyone here interested in making one?
it kind of works

Hostage46 said:
Were did you find the 7? I saw a pay site but was afraid it wouln't work in FSX
I have it. It kind of works. The guages won't display though. I've been planning to fix it but haven't gotten around to it tet.

I think it's $8.00 but the company who makes it is going out of business. Might not be available anymore.
RV for FS 9 (2004)

I've found an -8 and a -4 on simviation. If you google "flight sim 2004 downloads" it will show up. I've never payed attention to the URL, sorry :eek: .
The -8 is probably not that accurate, as it seems a little twitchy and hard to control to me. But the -4 flies really well. They both have VCs but I don't use them on either one of those planes b/c the regular panel looks better. I'd be interested in finding more of the RV series for fs 2004. The -4 and -8 are my favorite but I'd like to have one of every RV model on my sim!! Hmm, wouldn't everyone? :D
I wouldn't mind learning how to make the planes. The only problem would be that I don't have a flying RV-8 so I would have a hard time modeling the flight characteristics.
Most probably aren't accurate

kevinsky18 said:
I wouldn't mind learning how to make the planes. The only problem would be that I don't have a flying RV-8 so I would have a hard time modeling the flight characteristics.
I think most of the aircraft that are available for Flight Simulator are accurate. The Dreamfleet/Flight1, and Abacus aircraft come to mind as ones that are probably real close. I'm sure there are other companies that produce good models.

I know people who "correct" the flight characteristics of aircraft then distribute them but have never flown the real aircraft. hard to correct something when you don't know how it flys.
xavierm said:
I have it. It kind of works. The guages won't display though. I've been planning to fix it but haven't gotten around to it tet.

I think it's $8.00 but the company who makes it is going out of business. Might not be available anymore.

Yep, the gauges won't display on mine either, I just downloaded it. :( It looks like an awsome plane, and I tried flying it around the patch, but my pc is too slow to run it I guess. I kept getting "hitches" in the screen. I even tried turning down the scenery. :( If you get the gauges fixed will you please pm me and tell me how or whatever? I wish I knew how to work on these files, build my own airplanes, ect, but sadly, I consider myself lucky to get one out of ten aircraft that I download to even work on my simulator if they don't come with an installer. :eek:


UPDATE: The first time I loaded it up I had the gauges for about 5 seconds and they all dissapeared. The second time I loaded up fs 2004 they were all there but slowly dissapeared 1 by 1 until I had no gauges left. Also, you cannot manupliate any of the toggle switches on the panel, even though the little finger pointing hand comes up there on something you're supposed to be able to change!!! :mad: :mad:
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RVAddict said:
Yep, the gauges won't display on mine either, I just downloaded it. :(

Register the program properly and your gauges will magically appear. Follow the directions given.

The simulator is pretty good about "Maintenance" items. Forget to change your oil and guess what, your engine will quit running. Put your flaps down at high speed and guess what, you will trip the flaps breaker and they won't go up or down anymore.

To fix your problems you will have to go into maintenance mode and make repairs. Then everything will start working again. Again, check out the info provided.

I think this simulator is really pretty good. There are some things I don't care for with it but overall it is a responsive and speedy aircraft just like a real RV.
Tom Maxwell said:
Register the program properly and your gauges will magically appear. Follow the directions given.

The simulator is pretty good about "Maintenance" items. Forget to change your oil and guess what, your engine will quit running. Put your flaps down at high speed and guess what, you will trip the flaps breaker and they won't go up or down anymore.

To fix your problems you will have to go into maintenance mode and make repairs. Then everything will start working again. Again, check out the info provided.

I think this simulator is really pretty good. There are some things I don't care for with it but overall it is a responsive and speedy aircraft just like a real RV.

I figured that out at about 05:30 this morning! Thanks!!! Also, Thanks for the maint tip, b/c now my engine runs really bad with black/white smoke runs rough, ect. Did it as soon as I registered it. I'm going to do some maint right now!!!

I approached a professional builder of flight sim add ons about making an RV-8 Add on. Here is what he had to say.

"Hi Kevin,

Sorry for the late reply, I?ve been on holidays over the easter period.

I?d be more than happy at looking at the RV for an FS add-on, but I don?t have access to one and would require considerable assistance in terms of photographic and technical data.

Would you be in a position to source such data? If so, I?ll have a poke around and see what sort of work would be involved. As for custom making it, the fee required would be quite substantial, and well out of most peoples reach, therefore the only viable option would be a full commercial package."

I do believe that we have enough people to provide pictures and data. What do you guys think?
If you're really interested in getting a sim model built

I'm quite interested in this.
I suggest that you get a data packet together that the developer is happy with. PM me with contact data; I can send you my collection of photos.

Ask him for a price and schedule to do both an 8 and an 8A.
Ask him for a fixed price for producing the simulator models
Post the price, and take donations.
I would strongly suggest that payment be progressive, by functional milestones.

I'm very interested in the project, but if I have "spare" time it's going to building the airplane, rather than a sim.

I feel certain that one or two :) RV-8/8A pilots would be willing to provide comments regarding control feel and response.
The company that offers the RV-7 is going bankrupt and will no longer be supporting their product. Further it's an RV-7 and I and I'm sure other RV-8 builders would be more interested in an 8 sim.

My understanding from Dave is that he doesn't want any money up front to do this sim. He just needs data, pics and feedback from pilots. He will make his money when a full commercial product comes to market and he can sell it to individual buyers.

I also mentioned to Dave that it would be nice to have customizable panels and paint. Further customizable options would also be a bonus but we'll have to see what he says first.
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on target

You are correct- an improved -8/-8A simulation is desirable - I own the FFS RV-7 (and 7A) and have a copy of the FS9 RV-8 flight model. The FFS model is very well done and the RV-8 was a good start.

I wouldn't need all fo the features FFS offered (costing and maintenance etc), but would very much like an improved RV-8/8A simulation experience.

I'd started to putz around with the RV-8 model on FS9, when FSX came out, using different flight model, and my job sent me away for a while.