I ran across a web site that had a rv-8 with black seats with yellow insets, but I can't find it again. Can anyone direct me to this site? Thanks in advance.

RV-8 Seats TOO dang Much!

Mark, I remember seeing the seats you mention, can't remember where either. Have you tried the RV8-list@matronics? I don't mean to hi-jack this thread, but what is up with these prices for upholstery for our 8s? Two seats, four cushions. Why so dang much? I can see folks pricing themselves out of the market. Do they only sell one set a year and have to make all their profit for the year on one sale? I'll set on some green cushion from J.C.Penny before I pay $800. plus for cloth covered Store Made seats. Just my 2 cents; remember, they're just seats! Bill of Georgia
I blew a wad on charcoal grey basic seats with Oregon Aero logo (no extra charge).
I will admit here that the front seat is the best seat I've ever sat on in a vehicle of any kind, so it's probably worth it in the end :D :rolleyes:
Mark, I remember seeing the seats you mention, can't remember where either. Have you tried the RV8-list@matronics? I don't mean to hi-jack this thread, but what is up with these prices for upholstery for our 8s? Two seats, four cushions. Why so dang much? I can see folks pricing themselves out of the market. Do they only sell one set a year and have to make all their profit for the year on one sale? I'll set on some green cushion from J.C.Penny before I pay $800. plus for cloth covered Store Made seats. Just my 2 cents; remember, they're just seats! Bill of Georgia

Two reasons for the price.
#1 The expensive Comfor foam used in them. That is why they are so comfortable.

#2 These are not mass produced items. The low volume and hand labor keep the cost up.

Charlie Kuss