
I'm New Here
Hello everybody,

New member here, no experience in the experimental world. 750ish hour CP-ASEL/IR, PA-28 owner. I am 6' tall and a little concerned about how tight an RV fit is. I sat in a F1 Rocket before and my knees hit the bottom of the panel.

I am wondering if I could persuade someone in Arizona to allow me to sit in their RV-8 and possibly go for a ride. I have never been in an RV despite being based at KCGZ, host of Copperstate. Gas money and breakfast/lunch on me.

Thanks, Walt
Don't do it Walt.

Almost exactly one year ago, I did what you are trying to do. I, too, was a long-term Cherokee owner/pilot. Not only did I get to set in an -8, but this group's own Jay Pratt took me for a flight that day, too, that jerk. He's got the most beautiful RV-8, and...

7 weeks later, I owned an RV-8A. :D

Needless to say, that was the most expensive joy ride I've ever been on. And it led to the best decision I've ever made, by the way! Just be prepared to be absolutely blown away by the experience.

By the way, I'm 6' tall, too, and my knees hit the bottom of my panel when I bought my plane. The original builder (obviously a shorter fellow) had mounted the heater/carb heat controls on a plate hanging down under the panel, and the transponder was hung under the panel like my old 8-track deck in my '72 VW 411, circa 1977.

When I redid the panel this past February, I got rid of all that low-hanging fruit. Between that, and moving the rudder pedals back a few notches, my knees now clear the panel with plenty of room to spare. I suspect yours will, too.
I might be able to help

I am down in Tucson and have a friend who might take you up. Any chance you might want to drive or fly down to TIA for a ride?

I have an RV-7A so it won't help test fit for an RV-8. I have sat in my friends and I fit fine (I am 6'1").

Or maybe we'll fly in formation up to Casa Grande for an early morning flight one Saturday?
Hi Walt, I have my RV-8 over at Goodyear. It would be a piece of cake to drop into CGZ and pick you up for a ride. PM me your contact info and we'll set something up. Fair warning though, you'll never look at your PA-28 the same again after flying in the RV-8. I was once a curious guy like you and paid a visit to the Vans factory...the rest is history. :)
Welcome to VAF!

Walt, welcome to VAF:D

The guys are right, that ride may cost you a lot of $$$

BUT, it will be worth it!!!
Thanks to Gash, I had the chance to try on an RV-8 today and boy does it fit well! All my concerns regarding the fit were put to rest. After the demo ride, let's just say the ride back home in my Cherokee was...ahem...underwhelming.

I should have listened to the guys who told me not to do it. :rolleyes:
I'm 6'3". If the rudders are moved full forward I can't get full throw. You'll be just fine. Head up to Reno in your cherokee, we have all kinds of RVs to test drive.:D
Weeble (acroflygirl), we had a great time on a quick flight over Rainbow Valley. We were lucky that it wasn't too bumpy yet over the desert so we could get a good feel for the plane. Hey did you get out to Catalina yet?
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