
Well Known Member
I was perusing a builder's log (Jeff Preou's) and noticed that his rear seat has what looks like a stamped aluminum top rather than a fiberglass one like mine.

Is this a new change to the kit? Can anyone comment on the reason for the change? Anyone have issues with their fiberglass seat-top?

Yeppers! Its alclad. I instructed my wife Jackie to find all the parts for the rear seat with special note that the top bit was fibreglass (as I had noted in other websites & blogs).

Of course, she couldn't find it and I started to get irritated as a) she "wasn't looking hard enough" and b) maybe we missed it on the pick list and I'd be delayed (agin) while re-ordering from Vans.

Needless to say, I had to eat some humble pie. In fact, we went out for a chinese meal last night (peking duck); I wonder if I should log that $80 as a building expense? :eek: :)
RV-8 rear seat back

Yep. The new pre-punched fuselage kit now includes alclad pieces that all fit together to make a nifty top to the rear seat back. I too looked all over my recent kit and thought that Van's had forgotten to send the fiberglas part. Nope, the pre-punched parts fit together beautifully and the seat back also fits nicely into the rear turtledeck. Amazing.

Dan Miller
RV-8 N3TU flying with 360 hours
Building another one. Into fuel plumbing and stuff
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That is aweful nice looking! I wonder if it fits in the "older" -8's....might be worht a parts order when I need a project....

... the pre-punched parts fit together beautifully and the seat back also fits nicely into the rear turtledeck...

Do you have a pic of that? Since I'm doing the Tom Clark fastback, I'm just wondering how this will affect my build. Might have to make up a 'spacer' or 'blanking plate' or something...
Here's some photos of mine going together:



Thanks Guy but,...

... I meant the way it fits into the turtledeck! I dug out my Tom Clark replacement bulkhead yesterday and offered into place on the fuselage. The existing seats appears to slot into place cleanly (hard to say, cleco clamps were in the way). I think I should be ok without additional work in that area. I primered the seat components yesterday evening, but today I may make a start on the floors instead to give the primer longer to set and go really hard.
What's the notch for on the left side of the top piece?

Also, what are the part #'s?
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What's the notch for on the left side of the top piece?.....
The notch in the upper portion of the seat is essentially a clearance cut to allow the canopy handle to rest up against the bulkhead when the canopy is fully open, thus allowing the hinged rear seat to move forward to access the baggage area without conflict.

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Is this notch precut or do you have to cut it yourself? This would be a real pain, because I want to build my 8 with a RV-4 type tip over canopy.
Is this notch precut or do you have to cut it yourself? This would be a real pain, because I want to build my 8 with a RV-4 type tip over canopy.

I can't speak for the folks with the new aluminum seat-top, but on the fiberglass one, you cut the notch yourself. The seat-top comes intact. I suspect it's the same with the new kits.
Is this notch precut or do you have to cut it yourself? This would be a real pain, because I want to build my 8 with a RV-4 type tip over canopy.
The part is shipped with the notch precut. Look closely at some of the pictures. Later, the notch is further shaped by the builder.