mike newall

Well Known Member
10" Skyview in the front, would like to give the talking freight something pretty to look at in the back..... Roll Eyes

I have a spare slot in the network hub under the front seat. What are the cheapest options to give a basic PFD in the back ?

Doesn't have to be Skyview if any other products can use ADAHRS info via the hub.

Or is there another non Dynon method that is economical - they're not worth that much investment, they will only whinge if they get too much information...:D


What about an iPad with Foreflight or something similar? Allows flight tracking, could even follow along on an approach if needed, and can entertain self with games, movie, books, etc.
RV-8 Back Seat Display

I put my old Garmin 196 on the back of my front seat, tucked in just below the top crossbar. I already had a power recepticle wired to the right and placed the antenna just to the right of where my front seat rests on the crossbar. Gives my GIB a little situational awareness.

I have a 10.4 inch Odyssey EFIS from MGL in the front of my RV-8a and it has a connector for a VGA in the back. I attached a 10 inch flat TV monitor in the rear under the middle crossbar that copies the screen shown to front. My wife follows the GPS progress and pitch hits from the back with it. Total cost with cable mod was less than $200. Works fine. Bill RV-8a, 60 hrs
Not sure about the new Dynon skyview, but the older D-100 output a serial output. So I created a lcd embedded application that took the serial out and shows the data on a screen. Worked great for my RV-4.

I'd go with an iPad or similar tablet with FF. there are even a few GPS and internal gyro derived instrument apps.
Another very simple and cheap solution would be to install a "lipstick" camera aimed at the instrument panel. Install a video display tied to the camera onto the rear of the pilot's seat. Now the GIB can see most if not the entire instrument panel.
-8 back seat

Grand Rapids has an ap for their EFIS, where a seperate Android tablet can be added wirelessly for a second unit. The second unit can even program the main EFIS with it's touch screen.

That would be great for the rear seat. Android tablets are running $299-$329 street price for a 10 in. screen. Don't know what Grand Rapids EFIS upgrade will cost. I guess it's all still under development, but Carlos said that it would be finalized by OSH. (Which isn't that far off.)
iPad in back

What about an iPad with Foreflight or something similar? Allows flight tracking, could even follow along on an approach if needed, and can entertain self with games, movie, books, etc.

That is such a wonderful idea!!! I was feeling bad about nothing in the rear seat, when I have an awesome array up front. The iPad with a RAM mount is the easy solution! Thanks for the idea!!!

ipad in back

Used an ipad with Foreflight on last trip. It is bluetooth connected to Dual gps receiver. Works great, better display than I have in front. Only problem we are having, Ram mounts tends to droop in flight with vibration.
