My how R/C times have changed. When he took off the canopy, exposing all that laser cut structure (I suspect), my jaw dropped. Did not look like the interior of the r/c planes I built 20 years ago <g>.
Nice looking

I've seen this model in person. It is nice looking. All of the ARF's (almost ready to fly) are made in China or Taiwan. Pretty good stuff.

I'd go with the Saito 75 four stroke. Much more scale sound. With the modern radio systems you can electronically trim elevator to compensate for flaps. Neat stuff.

Scott Will and I are still planning the nearly HALF scale RV model.
Scott Will and I are still planning the nearly HALF scale RV model.

Which RV are you thinking of modeling, 7??

Half scale would sure be nice, for those who are into the biggies.

Keep us informed, please.
They shamelessly copied MY paint scheme, right down to the all white wheel pants!!!!!
Without so much as a please,or thank you..........
I'm incensed.

Randy's Plane

I think you have good reason to be upset.
Paint scheme.....?

We're allowed to paint them different?

I mean, we all use different primers, sure. But the paint on the outside too?
Next I'll have to decide which end to put the centerline wheel on!!!
I guess I'm weird.............because I'd probably be more flattered than upset..

L.Adamson --- RV6A

Actually, my 6's paint scheme has now been scattered across the Internet as a flight sim aircraft. I don't mind.

I detected a little facetiousness in Randy's post ;) HIS paint theme has been used on umpteen million RV's - he just had the coolest variation in the eyes of the RC company. I'd be happy too. Oh wait, the checkerboard is reversed :eek: Looks like he can't sue after all...
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