mike newall

Well Known Member
Running through wiring etc and came upon a note on DWG64 referring to 12 off AN4-11A bolts that are fitted from the front of the forward face of the spar, through the web - these bolts are not fitted on the QB I have which is a 2010 produced kit.

As everything is together and as it says start building from page 42 - has
anyone else thought these should have been put in by Bonanza during assembly of the spar ?

They will be a challenge to fit and - where is the script to fit them ?

Also, 'found' two punched holes in the front spar web, not opened up, which are the routing for the rudder cables through the forward spar. As the floor
support is already riveted on, how is one supposed to open out to 5/8" and get a snap bushing behind the floor support......... ?

Re reading the rudder cable assembly, it merely says route from rear to front through the holes putting in snap bushings as you go. I assumed, incorrectly, that the rudder cables dove down and went through the spar at low level through existing carry through holes.

What is concerning me here is that the kit has evolved - Vans now get Bonanza to do lots of different work on the kit, however these changes are not encompassed in the build instructions.

I have reported this to Vans and will await a reply.
I think those bolts have been hit and miss on the QB over the years. My QB from 2008 had the bolts installed, while a buddys earlier model didnt have them.

There is some reference to them in past threads, I remember reading about it before.
While you're waiting, find an old 7/16 wrench, cut off one end, and weld on a handle about 24" long. Your assistant will use it to hold the nuts inside the spar box. An extension wand with a magnetic tip will get the washer in place, then use a little masking tape on the wrench to allow reaching in with the nut.

We're on the same wavelength.

One of my treats last Spring at S & F was a set of washer wrenches from Avery - taped 2 onto either end of a stick - the AN4 washer goes fine - the next size down just fits on the lock collar of the 428 nut.

Long arms and appropriate profanity helped of course !

The '8' holes weren't happening through the spar with the floor support in, so I used the '8A' ones close by - worked fine.

I wonder how many 8's are flying without them...........:cool:

Couple of guys in the UK have spotted other omissions, so before I proceed any more, I am going to revisit pages 1 - 41 !
Another QB snag?

Mike, in addition to the missing bolts, on page 8-35 there is reference to applying proseal along the edge of the flange corner of the firewall where it contacts the side skins. My QB has proseal along the bottom skin/firewall, but not up the sides. Did your QB have the sides prosealed--if not, how are you going to address the situation? :confused: Thanks,

RV-8 QB fuse
QB snags!

Very good thread!

I put the 12 bolts in just yesterday after i read this thread and checked on my Fuse!
For all who still have to do it or aren't sure if at all, here is how:

Check Dwg 64, lower right , forward part of the main spar carry through channel, where it says: ".......put one bolt in every darkened hole...."

Get a tube or something similar to build a extension for the 7/16 wrench about 2 feet in length.

I just used a aluminum tube and ductape, no welding from my side.

Tape one side of the wrench so that you can apply a bit of pressure to the nut toward the bolt to get it started on the threads. Apply a little grease on the nut and "glue" the washer on the nut, just enough so it won't fall of.

Start from the center and work your way out so the already installed nuts aren't in your way.

Get another person to help you, it is a lot easier than doing it allone.

Once you have tightend one nut, especially when you work alone, also torque it right away.

I did it alone, took me 1 hr to get it done.

Thanks again for the hint, i probably would have missed it!

I don't know about you guys, but if I paid that kind of money for a quick build and found "omissions" I would be rather angry! You are paying for a product that is what I think we can all agree is not up to par if some items are missing. Although if they keep doing that,my chances of me selling my built fuse's goes up. Glad I'm going slow build. :)
QB snags

I tapped the nuts into an undersized hole in a long piece of 3/8 or 1/2" plywood. This allowed putting the nuts on the bolts easily and held them for tightening.