
Well Known Member
Hi all,, I've started installing my gear legs. and have a couple of questions.

1. F822 needs to level... but F822 is covered up on a QB? Where would be the optimum place to level the plane? I'm figuring the belly skin above the F822. (Glad I didn't return the digital level yet Mark ;) ) Seems like its obvious.. but other things have been this obvious and didn't ask questions,, and I screwed up.

2. I placed the plumb bobs on the gear legs and taped them both (2 each side) to the leading edges....I can't seem to align 2 together let alone 4 in a row?

Rv8 (QB) gear question

Fore and aft & side to side across canopy rails either prior or post rail installation. (Canoe upper longerons aft of the rollover bar). Aft of the twist works best.
skidmk said:
I placed the plumb bobs on the gear legs and taped them both (2 each side) to the leading edges....I can't seem to align 2 together let alone 4 in a row?


I feel your pain, you'll drive yourself crazy trying to get all of them perfect. I never did, I just gave in, got them as close as I could and with the same measurement from the plumb-bobs to the tail reference.
What I Did...


Here is how I aligned the gear - and I won't claim to be the inventor, I was shown this by another builder.

Go buy an 8 foot length of 1.5" aluminum angle at Home Depot. Cut it in half. Mark the center of each 4' length, and line the center mark up where the axle will be on each gear leg. Match drill it to the axle attach holes. The angels should be projecting forward and aft, one on each side (like skis). TO be honest, I don't even remember leveling the fuselage (but I probably did). What you want to do is make the two "skis" parallel with each other, and make the distance to the two axle points (from a centerline point back on the tail) equal. Use a piece of thin safety wire (it doesn't stretch) fastened to the tail wheel spring attach point to measure to the two axle points. Move things around until they line up, then drill holes.

There, wasn't that simple?

Oh....pass on your alignment angle pieces to the next RV-8 builder in line....don't be tempted to use them on the airplane, they are non-structural angle!


What a great idea Paul, now you tell me. :D

I bought 2 torpedo levels that have lasers on them from harbor Freight. Can you say cheap. I put them side by side and marked the inherent error. Then clamped one to each gear where the wheel mounts and compared laser spot distance at gear with that at a point on the hanger wall 30+ feet away. So, my gear are parallel to 30+ feet. :p

Oh yeah, I can't say it was original, it was duly "appropriated". :)
Holy cow!!,,, easy ,, now this is the kinda stuff we need in a. the manual and b. the rvator......

thanks Paul... I can't wait to fly this thing and meet some of you guys.

Okay,, used the boat idea and measured everything. All lined up beautifully. (less than 1/4 inch difference in axle hole to tail measure)

messed around with the 803's made them fit and drilled my holes on the left side. must have had something move while drilling cause now I'm not equal. Re-posistioned everything... its all perfect again. drill the right side.

the bottom line,,, gear legs are now attached (not torqued or anything) the measurement from axle holes to tail is within 1/4 each side... however the "skis" are different the rear skis are 1/2 inch wider than the front skis... the solution will be shims? or more toe? I can't see this being too big a problem?

I think you're right Mike - as long as they are close to equal to tail, you can fix toe in/out with shims.

Heck, you'll be surprised when you see just how the geometry of the wheels changes as you put weight on and of the gear - will make you wonder if the alignment process is worth it!

skidmk said:
messed around with the 803's made them fit and drilled my holes on the left side. Must have had something move while drilling cause now I'm not equal. Re-positioned everything... its all perfect again. drill the right side.

The bottom line... gear legs are now attached (not torqued or anything) the measurement from axle holes to tail is within 1/4 each side... however the "skis" are different the rear skis are 1/2 inch wider than the front skis... the solution will be shims? or more toe? I can't see this being too big a problem?

Yep, all that sounds just about right! I had similar issues; we must have measured everything 2 dozen times, plus made one visit to Paul's garage to see how he did it... finally, after having everything measured and lined up, I worked up the courage to drill the holes. The end result? Yep, I had to use shims. Can you say frustrated? I knew you could. Ah well, that's why Van's has shims available.
thanks I'll keep that in mind,, will be putting the wheels and tires etc on this next 3 days off.. I'll figure out what I'll need. BTW,, down to 240 and heading for 220 in the next 60 days or so,, just in time for some warm weather flying :)