Well Known Member
Hello VAF,

After waiting for the announcement at OSH from Vans about the RV-15 I just placed an order for a qb fuse and wings for an -8. I have been trying to figure out what step in the build plans the qb fuse and qb wings will arrive (page xx step xx)? Can't find it anywhere and I want to begin planning.

Is it still possible to do gear tower mod without lots of re-work?

Hopefully the wings don't have a hole for Vans stall warning, etc?

Current thoughts are to delete the Vans main gear (U-801-L, U-801-R, U-803, U-804, and the Gear Leg Fairing Flat Sub-Kit) and use airfoil gear from Sky Designs as well as delete the Vans cowl and use a James cowl.

For fuselage, page 8-42 toward the bottom.

For wings, read "First a note to quick builders" on page 7-1.

As far as gear tower mod, I didn't do it.

I don't see a hole for stall warning vane on my wings.

The Sky Designs legs are well worth it, IMHO. But, keep the wear plates, you'll use them. Talk to Ken Krueger about which items to delete from your fuselage kit. He's pretty easy to talk to.
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Thanks Ken.

Do you have a set of Sky Design legs?

I am hopeful they save some weight.
They're advertised as being 15lbs lighter that the Van's gear legs. I haven't weighed them yet. But, just picking them up, they're definitely lighter.
Is it still possible to do gear tower mod without lots of re-work?

Hopefully the wings don't have a hole for Vans stall warning, etc?

While I didn't do this mod, it would be easy at the QB stage - you will have easy access to that area.
There's a thread in here somewhere that describes how someone did the gear tower mod to a completed airplane. It would make a bit of a mess with aluminum chips going everywhere. Nothing that can't be sucked up with a vacuum though. Search the forms, it's in here somewhere.
As a reference point - I ordered the Sky Design gear legs and was told to expect a November/December ship date.

There's a thread in here somewhere that describes how someone did the gear tower mod to a completed airplane. It would make a bit of a mess with aluminum chips going everywhere. Nothing that can't be sucked up with a vacuum though. Search the forms, it's in here somewhere.

Thanks David. I'll take a look for it.
At least in my Kit SN83458 (arrived in 2015) the stall warning hole was indeed prepunched in the wing..

And yes I made the gear tower mod and as I just retorqued my gear last week I am happy that I did it.

Cheers Yves
At least in my Kit SN83458 (arrived in 2015) the stall warning hole was indeed prepunched in the wing..

And yes I made the gear tower mod and as I just retorqued my gear last week I am happy that I did it.

Cheers Yves

Thanks for the info. I was thinking thst I could just cut the gear tower and add my own inspection panel in it vs remove what has already been installed by the QB builder.


Is it possible to flip the bolts upside down and trap the head so they cannot spin and torque the nuts from the underside of the fuselage?