
Well Known Member
1-Just started installing cockpit floors, baggage etc. When would be the best time to paint the interior?

2-Whats the latest point in the build to decide if I want an auto-pilot or not?


Now would be just as good a time as any to paint. Don't paint the inside of the firewall (outgassing hazard). You can continue to paint additions to the interior in batches.

If you run the appropriate wire in you wing(s) you could probably delay as long as you like. In my case (with a Dynon), the pitch and roll servos can be added later although it's easier with the wing open and easy access to the elevator control rear pivot bracket.

What Don said..

When you design your electrical system and panel you will need to take into consideration the real estate and electrical requirements of your autopilot solution. Items such as panel placement, load requirements, wire runs, etc. should be planned out in advanced. Of course autopilots can be retrofitted in existing planes and panels, but it can be a royal PIA to do so.

Good luck and have fun.

Thanks for the info guys, also Don thanks for the tip on Not painting back side of firewall. I learn something every time I check these forums! Which is pretty much every day.

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RV-8A Build

I painted my QB interior prior to fitting the canopy and windscreen. Accepted the fact I would ding it and have to do touch up repairs.

Autopilot: Get one. I have a TruTrak ADI II - but would have piked a Gemini if it had been available. Also, I started with an AFS 3500, upgraded to 4500. An autopilot upgrade would allow coupled approaches, if you think that is a nice to have feature.

Wire runs late in the game are a pain - but panel real estate is more of a concern.