Welcome to VAF. Maybe contact Scott Hersha on here. A lot of us VAF folks are based at HAO. EAA Chapter meeting this Sunday afternoon at 2:00 if you're interested.
Check the 12 bolts on the spar box !! I can?t say this enough. The SB that Vans put out is for the 8 Quick-build. There are a couple of threads on this forum and it happened to me too. After 10 condition inspections and a pre-by inspection when I bought it last year where they all missed it, this year I did my first condition inspection and found that the 12 bolts are missing, and this isn?t a quick build.

Vans doesn?t include the slow build in the SB because the plans specifically call for those bolts to be installed but still builders and those doing the Condition Inspections around the world are missing that stuff and I found that after so many years and so many inspections mine was missing the 12 bolts, so don?t let anyone tell you the SB doesn?t apply to your plane, check those bolts !

These are the bolts that been found missing on completed planes that weren't quick builds (I added the colors and highlights). Van's told me they don't put out SBs for customer built kits, only for the QBs they sell because the plans call for those bolts to be installed. I countered that since they know it's an issue with customer built kits it would be safer to tell everybody, but I guess it's a liability thing.

The person who built mine was meticulous and very knowledgeable and has built more than one RV. Also the A&P (with IA) who did my pre-purchase inspection has built many RVs and the person who did this year's CI, both also very experienced, yet they all missed this.

It doesn't hurt to check if they're missing because, although uncomfortable & time consuming to install, it can be done plus my mechanic has a way to do it without having to cut the plane anywhere, unlike what is recommended by Van's.

A lot of people inspecting the planes have missed it too, all over the world. They see QB and if the -8 is a slow build they think it doesn't apply.

Here's a good thread about it, there are other threads in this forum alone about this issue. http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=145000
2 possible choices at HAO, as Scott said. PM me if interested. I?ll be at the EAA chapter meeting tomorrow.
Pre Buy


The pre buy request is for my RV-8 (based at 3OH0) and is from Bob Miller also a Flying Angels member,

Val Kozak