
Well Known Member
I'm looking for some nice photos, especially airborne, of RV-8s I can use on my website, still under development. I don't want to just grab those off of other sites without permission, so if anyone has a nice shot of an RV-8 they'd let me use, please post it here or let me know...thanks. I'd be glad to add a credit line or use one added by you to the photo....
Just a thought ----

Scott, check out the "show us your finished RV 8" thread.

Lots of great shots there, and if you do find anything, you can contact the person who posted it for permission to use it.
I'm looking for some nice photos, especially airborne, of RV-8s I can use on my website, still under development. I don't want to just grab those off of other sites without permission, so if anyone has a nice shot of an RV-8 they'd let me use, please post it here or let me know...thanks. I'd be glad to add a credit line or use one added by you to the photo....

Our RV-8 website here: G-HILZ - please feel free to use, and please mention the site, and/or builders as 'Andy & Ellie Hill'.

LovetheCamera.Com So long as you acknowledge the website, the photographers are happy for their pics of our aircraft (G-HILZ) to be used... and I'm sure Alister Kay (the other pilot/owner) would be happy for his... (G-RVMZ) after all, they're part of the Van's calendar this year ;)
