
Getting close to the end of my RV-8 project I have started to wonder what my RV-8 will perform like once it is flying. It has an lyc. 200hp A1B6 with hartzell 2 blade c/s prop. I know the official performance numbers from vans website, but I also find that many aircraft manufactures are - lets say - a bit optimistic with their numbers. Being unable to find a RV-8 database with realworld performance numbers I thought some of you who are allready flying might share your experience. How close are you to the vans numbers and what configuration is your plane? Engine - prop -modifications?

Christian Thygesen
RV-8 QB - status: allmost ready for paint.
Van's numbers are realistic


I think you'll find from various earlier threads that many people have achieved performance at or even above the numbers published by Van's.

My 180 hp RV-8 actually does a couple of knots better than claimed (stock engine, non-"blended airfoil" Hartzell prop, Lightspeed ignition in place of one mag).

When you start flying, don't try to judge the performance until all the fairings are fitted. They make a big difference. Also, don't believe your airspeed indicator until its been calibrated via GPS (see previous threads for infomation on how to do this).


I think you'll find from various earlier threads that many people have achieved performance at or even above the numbers published by Van's.

My 180 hp RV-8 actually does a couple of knots better than claimed (stock engine, non-"blended airfoil" Hartzell prop, Lightspeed ignition in place of one mag).

When you start flying, don't try to judge the performance until all the fairings are fitted. They make a big difference. Also, don't believe your airspeed indicator until its been calibrated via GPS (see previous threads for infomation on how to do this).


I agree with Alan. My RV-8 with a 200hp IO-360 has a Sam James after market cowl, plenum and wheel pants. I generally get 5-6kts above Van's published speeds.

I have seen speeds of 191kts (219.65mph) TAS at 7500 with a power setting of 2350 rpm and 23.6 manifold pressure. (Full Throttle). The Grand Rapids EFIS showed this to be about 72-73 % power. Van's published speeds at 75% is 212mph.

This can be verified by GPS and APRS (amateur radio) beacon tracks.

Build it well and straight and you will get published speeds. Unusual in a world of aviation speed claims that are mostly lies!!!!!!!!;)
Speed = $$$$$

I have a 180 TMX with a carb. I get Van's published speeds in my airplane. My friend basically has the same combination I have except he has a fixed pitch prop. His airplane will go as fast as mine just won't climb as well. He does not have the extra weight on the nose like I have with my Hartzell.

I would imagine a 200 would make it climb really well although mine climbs like a rocket with a 180.

What I have learned with mine is that I never fly it really fast because it BURNS alot more fuel. I can get about 155-150kts (indicated) at 60 to 65% power which returns 8 to 8.5 gallons an hour. With fuel prices like they are I am more concerned about spending money than going really fast.

Your airplane is going to outperform just about anything on the airport anyway so just have fun and enjoy it. Like I said, Speed = $$$$$ My two cents :D
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