
Just wondering if anyone has painted their rv8 as a Spitfire? Anyone have suggestions on wich program would work best to play with color schemes? I would llike to paint it Canadien colors as I live in Canada. thanks
You mean something like this? Taken at Oshkosh last year. The RV-8 next to it was painted up in green camo and with shark jaws ala flying tigers. Both planes were running rotaries.

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No man, not a Spitfire... do a Canadian Navy Sea Fury! And after you find a paint program and paint one, please share with the rest of the class, or at least the retarded guys like me.

I say that because I'm curious as to how an RV-8 might look in a Royal Navy or Canadian Navy Sea Fury scheme, so I downloaded a free trial paint program... problem was, I couldn't figure out how to use the program well enough to actually paint anything. Yep, I'm a computer retard; might have to resort to Crayons or perhaps colored pencils on a 3 view drawing. The shame...

Here's the scheme I've been thinking of, Canadian Navy;

And here's my absolute favorite, the Royal Navy scheme that the Canadian one is based on...

Someday I'll figure it out... no rush though, paint will wait 'til next year.


I did one up like an RCN Sea Fury, but it is on my laptop at home. I'll try and remember to post it tonight. It looks way cool ! ;-)


I threw this together on the paint program.It gives you the idea of the Navy scheme . the Sea Furys were based not far from where I live.
