Paul Tuttle

Well Known Member
I was playing around on the computer doing up a few paint schemes , and put this together for a bit of fun. Thought I would share it with the group.


I like it Paul! Of course, you can get away with fancy nose don't have to hire someone else to paint it!

Oh...I didn't know you were building a fastback...

no fastback for me

Ironflight said:
I like it Paul! Of course, you can get away with fancy nose don't have to hire someone else to paint it!

Oh...I didn't know you were building a fastback...


I got carried away there for a second with the fastback Idea. I'm all better now. I've done about a dozen of these now. I think I'll be doing something far more simple on my 8, but who knows someone might want to use it. I guess my British heritage was surfacing


Beautiful job. The only thing that would make it cooler would be if the gear would go up!!!!

That's cheating having an artist do the nose work!!!! :eek:
Hey Paul,

That looks totally awesome !! I only have one comment:

Unless you can hoodwink TC into believing you are building a replica of some specific WWII airplane, they are going to want 19" registration numbers on the bottom of the left wing. If you can, have a colour plate or photo of the airplane/paint job you want to imitate, send it in. I tried to pass off my -8 as a Snowbird replica. Not happening. Turned down flat. However, I put the 19" letters on the bottom of my left wing, and guess what, I can't see them :D

Putting 19" letters on the bottom is no big deal. Your airplane will still be the coolest looking one on the block.

My $0.02

Hi Mark

I'm not actually going to paint it like this . I was just having a little fun . I do think it would look kinda neat though. Imagine a whole Squadron of them at one airport. :D
I almost did that..But

my family back home in the UK would consider it VERY tacky to try to make an RV look like a Spitfire.

Not sure I can remember if British WWII aircraft got into the nose art thing, we are traditionally pretty conservative (at least until you get to know us). so that would be a little out of character.

I must say it does look pretty good if we could get the eliptical wings option we would be half way there.

frankh said:
my family back home in the UK would consider it VERY tacky to try to make an RV look like a Spitfire.

Not sure I can remember if British WWII aircraft got into the nose art thing, we are traditionally pretty conservative (at least until you get to know us). so that would be a little out of character.

I must say it does look pretty good if we could get the eliptical wings option we would be half way there.


You know Frank, it's already been done and looks really great. Not tacky at all.

I don't really know about the nose art, looks like a tribute to a page 3 girl. Now that's a pretty conservative British tradition.
They did have nose art...

RatMan said:
You know Frank, it's already been done and looks really great. Not tacky at all.

I don't really know about the nose art, looks like a tribute to a page 3 girl. Now that's a pretty conservative British tradition.

But don't forget a lot of Spitfires were flown by Americans, and even operated by the US Army Air Corps -
Though they never got a US designation. Chuck Yeager was shot down in one IIRC...

Check the story on the the top Spitfire on this page... definitely not conservative on the nose art... and large... :)

gil in Tucson

I vaguely remember the last operational ones flying over our house in Liverpool when I was a kid....
but I definitely remember the Mosquitoes that replaced them -
They were doing daily weather observation flights into Liverpool Airport (now John Lennon Airport.... :) ...)
pre-satellite images for the younger generation... :)
Very good chance it was Hoover. Read his book, Forever Flying. I think Hoover crashed over a dozen planes.
Ooops... Hoover

strahler13 said:
Very good chance it was Hoover. Read his book, Forever Flying. I think Hoover crashed over a dozen planes.

Yep, it was Yeager's' friend Hoover... I didn't look it up and added the "IIRC".... :)

Shouldn't post after midnight... :D

Except by the time he was flying Spitfires, they has US markings, not RAF roundels... he was flying from Sicily at the time.

gil in Tucson

PS .. my dad was at Anzio, but with the British Army, at that time... his WWII stay in Italy is why I have an Italian mother.... :)
az_gila said:
But don't forget a lot of Spitfires were flown by Americans, and even operated by the US Army Air Corps -
Though they never got a US designation. Chuck Yeager was shot down in one IIRC...

Check the story on the the top Spitfire on this page... definitely not conservative on the nose art... and large... :)

gil in Tucson

I vaguely remember the last operational ones flying over our house in Liverpool when I was a kid....
but I definitely remember the Mosquitoes that replaced them -

Yes the last Spitfires must have been fearsome beasts to fly. They sported the streatched Merlin engine called the Griffon and had counter rotating props...You'd need them too, 2350HP in a taildragger...Oh my!

Paint program

I just used the paint program on that comes standard with windows, nothing fancy. I found a side view I liked on the web and copied it to paint cleaned it up a bit, then start drawing lines. it takes about 10 or 15 minutes to do a drawing.
computer art challenged: need help

Where can you get "untouched" 3 view outlines to import into a program like paint and how do you add color and text without actually overwriting the outlines, remove same without removing the outilines and panel lines, etc.

For example, if i take one of pauls painted rv8s and import it into paint as a .jpg, it becomes a LOT of effort to erase what he did and end up with anything that resembles an rv8 outline in the end. So there has to be a better way but I've never seen anyone work this type of program so I'm left wondering out loud.

Any "paint tips" tips to pass along to the those who might be in my situation would be GREATLY appreciated! :)
I used the gifs off of Van's website. I then imported them into Inkscape and did a "trace bitmap" to get it into the SVG format. From there it's pretty easy to start drawing. Once you learn the program you can then start drawing inside the lines, using layers (to create multiple schemes), moving layers up or down so you can see the panel lines, etc.

Here is the link for the Van's drawing of the -8:

Great work Paul

I just viewed your gallery. Wow! You are very talented. I can't wait for the Beautiful Doll...Big Beautiful Doll painting. The RV-8 in British paint looks terrific. Maybe you should reconsider that scheme for your 8. Fast back or P-51D style, the RV-8 sure looks good in WWII fighter paint. Ok...I admit a small prejudice.
Thanks for the kind words Danny,

A couple of my buddies are real fighter pilots . I fear they may give me too hard of a time about being a "wanna be"with that paint job. One guy , an ex Hornet driver gets on my six every chance he gets . I did gun him once though... he was still on the runway doing a run up. :D
Could someone send me a clean copy of the Rv-8 side view? The ones from vans will not color correctly on my mspaint. Or just tell me what I need to do to get the colors to work.
Jeremy, Sorry mine has been deleted. I think, if I remember correctly...I scanned the one from the Van's manual then cleaned it up on Paint so I had a nice clear black and white drawing. You could also import one from the web if you can find one.

If I didn't clean them up when I filled in the colors the edges were fuzzy. Once you get it fixed up, save the master drawing as a 24 bit map picture (not jpeg) and you can use it as many times as you like.

Hope this helps.