
I leave for Oshkosh in two weeks and can't wait! I am especially excited to tour the Van's area! With that being said, my shop is finally built and I plan to purchase a quick build kit while in Oshkosh or immediately when I return. However, I am still teetering between the RV-8 and the new 14. I really wish I could afford the 10 so me, my wife and daughter could go places but my budget simply won't allow it.

I have always liked the 8 but my daughter and wife would prefer to sit beside me rather than behind me. Also, when I flew back seat in the 8 I was sitting "right on the floor" (it seemed) and had very little room. My legs actually started going to sleep due to them being stretched out around the front seat. I must say though, it is a cool looking plane on the ground as well as in the air. I like being able to see clearly on both sides!

When I think of the 14, I think if much more room, sided by side seating and perhaps much more comfortable while maintaining the cool factor, fast and room for storage. It will also handle mild aerobatics like the 8.

Has anyone here been in my predicament before? What did you do?

Thanks a lot for any and all feedback/suggestions!!

My suggestion is to build a budget -10. It isn't much more than a -14. It might require a bit of self-discipline to keep it simple, but you can live without a leather interior and carbon fiber cup-holders. ;-)
Been there

I have a very nice RV-8 I completed in 2012. My wife can not see very well from the back even with cushions and can not get heat from the engine. I'm now building a RV-14 thinking she will like that better.
RV-8 vs RV-14

I have 1,250 hrs in my RV-8 and it is a wonderful "yank and bank" airplane. I wouldn't give it up for anything. However, for other than "yank and bank", a side by side plane is superior. That's why I'm building a RV-14A, so I will have the best of both worlds. AND, I'm getting a Carbon Cub on July 27!

So, it all comes down to finances, and what you want to do. Can't go wrong with any Van's airplanes. They are all wonderful.
If Mama ain't happy.

My wife does not want to fly "in that hole back there" ever again, after a ride in my buddy's -8.

In the South there's some sage advice.."If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy." :)

Sounds like you want the 10

It really comes down to your main missiion, it sounds like you want to travel, I would save up longer and build the 10.

When my wife and i travel for more than just a day trip the RV7a gets very small. yes we do carry too much. with us. The size of the 10 would be great.

On the other hand the RV14 if probably the best compromise that can do it all. I bet you come back from oshkosh with your decision made! good luck, can't go wrong any way you decide.
A nice basic utility RV-10 would be my preference if I were to build another. Light, Simple and Budget Bird... back to the basics. :)
If you want to go places with your wife and daughter build a budget 10 as others have said. Or you could buy some 4 place spam can and build as slow as your budget will allow. You will never regret your family flying adventures.