
Very nice. Are they penetration or retract? I think I see bunjis, will the design convert to Atele Dodge springs? Is there a safety or crust cutter cable and does it attach to the air frame the same place as the bunji?
Might like a pair in the future.

More test flights and crosscountry required to determine loss of cruise speed I estimate 5-7 mph. My intention is safety if I need to land in an emergency I can put down on a frozen lake, river or plowed field without tearing off the landing gear or flipping upside down.

Look like a nice set-up. Any chance I could have a look at it. I live in Gatineau and works in Ottawa at NDHQ. Send me an email at remy.rathe at
Any chance of embedding those photos? I don't have a Yahoo account (and don't really want one - got enough of that sort of thing) so can't see them. Videos are visible.


Hi Remy
Is your RV-4 at the airport in Gatineau, if yes, I might go and have a look at it next spring when I start flying my -4 again ( Don't fly in the winter )

I and my flying buddies go to Gatineau for breakfast quite often during the warm flying season.


[email protected]
Not that simple, my RV7-A has a tubular landing gear while my -8 has a leaf spring gear. It was easy for the -8 simply purchase axles and just put longer bolts to mount the second axle internally opposite the wheel axle.
A tubular gear will require a much more complex attachment fitting and modification to the axles.
Hi Patrick,

Very well done indeed !!!

I will be starting a QB-8 soon (in Europe) then planning on finishing it in Quebec when my work here is done...

So snow skis are definitely an interesting option !!!

Keep up the great work !!!


Oh, BTW, can't see your pics in Flickr as they are "private"...
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Thanks for sharing the pictures and results.
I see lots of potential for these skis.
For overwater flights, a ditch in the case of engine failure would be much less violent, same for a landing in an unprepared field.
Are you considering making these for the group or providing plans when you get it perfected?
If I get many requests I may consider either selling kits or plans w bill of materials may also consider selling my design. I also installed mirrors so I can check the position of the skis just after take off. If you want more photos or information email [email protected]
Thank you
I have Grove gear installed on my RV 8 and I have the original new pair of Van's my wheel skis would fit on them also.
Happy New Year to all Van's Fans!!!
Frozen RV Grin

I now logged 3.5 hours and 20+ T/O & landings in 10 inch power, 4 inches slush, packed power, rough field 5 inch snow, taxiing through 15 inch drifts no issue at all with my wheel/skis on my RV8. New project for next winter design wheel/skis for my RV7-A.
Tricycle ski gear?
That sounds interesting and requiring of inventivness (is that a word?)
There are a lot more 6a, 7a, 8a, 9a's than RV-8s. That would be a bigger customer group.
Got stuck yesterday while taxiing off hard pack snow. Skis broke through a 3 inch ice crust with 12 inch of power under it. I shut down, broke a trail pushed away the chucks of ice crust so that the prop would not get damaged. Powered up and taxied back to the hard packed area without furteher issue. Also landed on the Ottawa river snowmobile trail, thick tracks requiring caution and took off through a slush area, only found out after doing a fly by to verify my tracks in the snow. Hoping to find a way of providing photos for everybody.

Set up a Photobucket or similar account and everyone will be able to view the pictures.

Very cool videos.

Great pictures! I sure miss my dads 4 on skis! Getting my 8 on skis as soon it is flying is prio 1!

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Photos are Great! Thanks. Look forward to more of your words on this venture as well as more photos. I am very interested.

Excuse me, Im from Louisiana, that looks really cold! What kind of heating system do you have? I plan on flying my 8 in cold weather, I would like some info on how you did your heating system. I am installing heated seats in mine. The info I have is that the Vans heater system leaves some to be desired. Ideas welcome. Thanks.


For me, the stock heater is adequate only for moderate temps, not cold with out blocking the several fresh air leaks in the cabin. I have heard you can double the heat setup. I have not seen this setup. You may wish to search for heater options on here, VAF.

Also, you may want to research the several options to block the incoming fresh air from places that are not sealed to the outside. Aileron tube holes from fuselage to wing roots, flap linkage holes, rear of canopy, etc. People have made fixes for these which may be important in cold weather.

Your heated seats will be nice. My wife would love that. Good luck and keep us posted.

I want a set of the wheel skis.

I have a stock heater it is insufficient for our very cold temps in Ottawa Montreal area when temps drop below 0f or -20c both my RV7A & RV8 are in a heated hangar, that helps and I wear downhill ski pants sweater and jacket and typically its cold on sunny days and the greenhouse effect of the canopy keeps it comfortable no gloves but they are stored close by. The 8 is drafty from behind the canopy skirt eventhough I have a good rubber seal and I'm designing something innovative to address that. The bulk of my flying is during moderate temps and the heater is adequate. Canadians have adapted to the cold and we bundle up in layers.
Heated vest.

I wear a heated vest when I ride my Harley in cool weather. It uses a fused wire setup from the battery and just plugs in. If your body core is warm the rest of you seems to stay warm. I don't see why it wouldn't work and seeing as I'm in Canada, I'm thinking of giving it a try when I get going. You can buy them at any motorcycle place.

Platenut, your skis are awesome. I flew a Challenger II on skis for years, there's nothing like it! Looks like I may have to get a set for my 8.
Mo's Fly-in

...Also landed on the Ottawa river snowmobile trail..

Hey Pat, hopefully we will have good weather for the Ottawa river landing at Mo's Fly-in (end of February) to get some hot chili. See you there.
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Grove Landing Gear

I offered my wheel/ski design to Grove Aircraft because this system is ideal for leaf spring type landing gears. No news from President, Robert Grove or anybody from Grove Aicraft Company, if I cannot find anyone to manufacture these wheel/skis, I will probably offer Plans & bill of materials by Fall 2012. Next winter I will try to put my RV7-A on wheel/skis also.
Ski Wheels for RV-6

Have you ever developed a ski wheel arrangment for the RV-6, or know anyone who has worked a plan or kit?

A friend sent me this great picture that I thought I would share. It looks like the RV-8 that appeared in this thread in 2012.
