
Well Known Member
Well, I signed the agreement for the wing kit today, am riveting the elevators and thoroughly enjoying it all.

My RV8 will be N256SE when it comes out of the skunk works and I will have my first tech counselor visit soon.

I'm trying to enjoy every minute of this as I'm sure it's like raising kids, each phase gets blurred by the next.

I've been lurking her for quite awhile, tempted to post some innocent questions - like: :cool:

Tailwheel or Nosewheel?
What Kind of primer should I use? oh and,
Constant speed or fixed pitch? and my newest favorite,
Am I building a watch or an airplane?

- but in the end, I've made my own choices.

Thanks for posting all that you have - it is very encouraging to see every one goes through the same stuff.

I wish I had started this all sooner!


Tailwheel or Nosewheel?
What Kind of primer should I use? oh and,
Constant speed or fixed pitch? and my newest favorite,
Am I building a watch or an airplane?

- but in the end, I've made my own choices.

They'd just tell you to make your own choices, anyway. :) Welcome aboard!!
Welcome aboard


You are starting a life changing project. I promise you it will be filled with both high and low moments. If you stick it out, you will be the proud owner of the newest RV-8 in the country, and that will be a really great moment!

As far as advice on this forum goes: If you don't want opinions, and plan to do what you want to do anyway, do us all a favor and don't ask for them! No one here really cares how you equip your airplane. We do care about your safety. We all want you to be successful. So have fun, and welcome aboard.
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...- but in the end, I've made my own choices...
Scott, that is the correct answer to each and every question!

...No one here really cares how you equip your airplane. We do care about your safety. We all want you to be successful. So have fun, and welcome aboard.
Danny, speak for yourself! Everyone has to build their airplane exactly the same way I did! Damnit! ;)

You are right, safety first in everything you do.

Scott, don't forget to take into account future maintenance as you build. Meaning, how are you going to remove/inspect/replace/re-install a part, should it fail? This becomes more of an issue as you install your systems.
Love the sound of the pneumatic squeezer

Thanks for the feedback and welcomes!

I had a chance to do quite a bit of work this weekend - for whatever reason, I am particularly satisfied by the cha-clunk of the pneumatic squeezer.

My older son is an engineering geek like me and Sunday came out to see what this plane building stuff is all about. I let him squeeze some rivets and his parting comment was "I really like the sound that thing makes".

I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
