Danny King

Well Known Member
What happened to the post about the RV-8 guys meeting at the theater in the woods with fresh donuts? It's tradition!

N8RV where are you?
I started looking at the forum schedules, to see when we could have a couple of meetings, without conflicting with an event that RV folks would be interested in. I think we should have two meetings - one early in the week to catch the folks who are there at day one, and another one late in the week to catch the folks who show up for the last few days.

The Theatre in the Woods venue seems to be OK, so I propose we use that again. I had hoped to avoid Monday, as I figured many folks would be like kids in a candy store, running over the whole site. Tuesday looks tough, as we have Stein talking in the morning, and Mark Ausman in the afternoon. But, there are a lot of folks who only stay for the first two days, so I think we need to hit either Monday or Tuesday for the first meeting.

How about:

Monday at 2 PM, and
Saturday at 10:30 AM

Location: Theatre in the Woods, near the end farthest from the stage.

I'll make the Monday meeting, and probably Saturday too, unless the weather forecasts suggests an earlier departure would be wise.
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I'll be flying in this year, so it won't be as easy as previous years to pack name tags and markers. We've already started collecting the pile of stuff that has to go into the aircraft, and I may need to make a belly pod :)

So, if someone else could bring name tags and markers or pens, that would be good.

Update - Bill Settle agreed to being name tags and markers or pens. Thanks Bill!
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Wouldn't miss it ...

I'll be there. How could I not? I have to PROVE to some of you that I actually finished the plane! :D
Monday 2PM

I haven't replied to many post but I'll be staying at Camp Shoeller in my ground RV (HAHA). Looking forward to meeting you all.;)
I'm looking pretty shaky to make the Monday meeting, as I'm in Wausau, WI with some other RVs from British Columbia. We're going to make another attempt to get into OSH Monday morning, but its hard to say how well that will work.
David Edgemon

Here I am in Huntsville, Alabama and I'm looking at Doug's photos of the RV-8 pilots during their get-together in the Theater in the Woods and who do I see in the middle of the group? David Edgemon from here in Huntsville. Congrats, Dave, you made the BIG time!
I was tied up with a forum today at that time, and frankly, just missed it - noticed it on my iPhone calendar about 1300, and kicked myself for forgetting and getting double-booked....

OK, guys-n-gals, it's nearly time for Oshkosh 2011! And, to avoid being falsely accused of abandoning my duties as erstwhile organizer of the annual RV-8/8A builders/flyers meeting in the woods, I hereby announce that ... uhh ... well ...

Anybody wanna get together this year? I'll be arriving (hopefully) on Saturday and hanging out until (hopefully) Saturday. I have no idea when RV-specific seminars are scheduled, so maybe somebody else can jump in with some suggestions of good meeting times that won't conflict with forums that RVers would generally find interesting.

Oh, and somebody yank Bob Dimeo's chain about some doughnuts. :D

So, anybody interested?
I'll be around on Mon, Tues, & Wed.

I had planned to make it last year, but ran across a friend from KC that I hadn't seen in a couple years on Monday afternoon and lost track of time.
I'm in. We're arriving on Saturday, weather permitting, and will hang around until our fun meter is pegged. I suspect we'll leave sometime late in the week. We'll be in homebuilt camping if anyone is looking for us. Gold and red RV-8. Hard to miss.
I'm in

Another new RV-8 finisher will be there and looking forward to it. Dave

My RV 8 won't be quite finished for this year, but if you don't mind me flying to OSH in my RV9 (which will be for sale) I'll be there.
I'll be there Sun thru Wed. I'll make anytime work. Mon afternoon worked well last year...
In the dozen or so years that we've been holding RV-8(A) builders' meetings at the Theater in the Woods, the general trend has been that we have a good showing for the first meeting -- usually on Monday or Tuesday morning -- and few, if any, for the second. I think people just get Oshkoshed out by Saturday. My concern about holding it in the afternoon is that people who want to go will get distracted and forget. It happens.

I looked over the forum schedule and didn't see anything that would be a major conflict at the 9:00 hour on Monday. Moreover, since the sun comes up and makes everyone get out of bed plenty early (when the weather's good), I see no reason to have any conflicts at all if we meet at 0800 or 0830. Is that too early for anyone?
My wife and me will be going to Oshkosh for the first time this year, we have a beautiful 8. This year we are not flying our 8 but we want to in the future (KOSH is at 4754 nm from our home airport:p)

If we are welcome we want to go to RV-8 meeting:D
I would like to welcome you to the RV8 meeting at Oshkosh!
I can bore you with my adventures in Santiago 15 years ago!
I looked over the forum schedule and didn't see anything that would be a major conflict at the 9:00 hour on Monday. Moreover, since the sun comes up and makes everyone get out of bed plenty early (when the weather's good), I see no reason to have any conflicts at all if we meet at 0800 or 0830. Is that too early for anyone?

Finally - someone took charge and there is a proposal on the floor! ;)

I'll vote for 0900 on Monday ....some of us are staying in Appleton, and might have traffic.....

Finally - someone took charge and there is a proposal on the floor! ;)

I'll vote for 0900 on Monday ....some of us are staying in Appleton, and might have traffic.....


A motion on the floor for 0900 Monday, 25 July. Is there a second? :)
I can make it at 0900 on Monday... *IF* they don't have the big entrance gate fiasco like they did last year on Monday (weather related) where they had all gates on the north side closed except for one, and it took waiting in line over 1.5 hours just to buy tickets and enter the place after I arrived at by car at 0800.

I probably should just fly the RV-8 in from Wautoma on Monday morning instead of driving the rental car... weather permitting of course.
Does Oshkosh start Monday the 25th or is it earlier? Wondering if having it at 9 AM the day it starts might miss some people? Any thought on having it on Tuesday for those that might get in later on Monday or earlier on Tuesday? Also, 8 - 9 AM might be too early for social hour? Just asking, that's all, and I think it's great that is is getting organized Don -- thanks. Dave
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Sounds like we have a second and some discussion, with the majority in favor of first thing Monday morning.


There will always be some who can't make it no matter when the meeting is held. That's life. However, if anyone wants to add a second meeting time, accept the mantle of responsibility and make it so. No law saying that we can only meet once.

RV-8/-8A Builders'/Flyers' Meet-N-Greet
Monday, 25 July, 0900
Theater in the Woods

Just look for a bunch of people standing around with nametags. I'll bring some Sharpies and the nametags. All builders/flyers/wannabes (yes, including media, Paul) are welcome. And somebody tell Bob Dimeo to show up with doughnuts, please. :D

See everybody there!
RV-8 Meeting

The pilot of Beautiful Doll will be there at 0900 Monday morning if the new panel will work. It's not guaranteed, since I completely rewired the aircraft! Early test are promising.