
I'm New Here
I'm contemplating building an 8 but I would be doing so in the confines of a one car garage with only 16 feet of usable depth for the foreseeable future. How long is the fuselage from the firewall to the aft of the vertical stabilizer? I'm trying to figure out how much of the build I could accomplish before I would have to move to a hangar or start knocking down walls. Thanks.
Tight fit

I just measured the fuse from firewall to aft end without the stinger or the empennage and it was just over 15' 2". The top of the firewall cants forward a bit so call it, 15'4". Sixteen feet would be a tight fit if you were trying to move around from side to side - and if you put it on a rotisserie, then you would be out of room at 16'. Just start the build process and you will figure out when you need to knock down some walls. :D Good luck!!
RV8 length

Hello, 16 FT might be a little tight. I just put a tape on my 8 and it measures 186 inches(15.5 ft) firewall to aft bulkhead(812). VS is not on but shouldn't add too much to the length if the fuse is level. If you can pull it off try to find some air conditioned shop space to work in! I'm working on a 8 SB in my living room.....always comfortable. Good Luck
I say go for it. You'll never finish if you never start.

I will say that I feel a 2 car garage is too tight some times, a 1 car is very tight. but people have done it. Motivation is key.

you'll need an outdoor tool shed or an extra bed room to store parts in. I'd say you can build the fuselage or the wings, probably not both in a 1 car garage.

you also wont have the luxury of a big work bench, but it will work.
Thanks for the feedback guys. There's a bit more room in there but my wife insists that she still be able to access the washer and dryer so I knocked a couple of feet off the measurement until she gets her priorities straight.
Thanks for the feedback guys. There's a bit more room in there but my wife insists that she still be able to access the washer and dryer so I knocked a couple of feet off the measurement until she gets her priorities straight.

I think the way that works is "until she get YOUR priorities straight".

You're in Arizona so you should be able to work with the garage door open most of the time.
Thanks for the feedback guys. There's a bit more room in there but my wife insists that she still be able to access the washer and dryer so I knocked a couple of feet off the measurement until she gets her priorities straight.

God forbid, DON'T inhibit her access to the washer and dryer in ANY way!!! You'll end up washing your own underwear like the rest of us schmucks that have our priorities all out of whack in no time!
Lots of room

I just diagonally measured A 9'x 16' spot on my hangar floor and if you tuck that 6 inch wide tail back into the corner you've got 2 1/2 feet out in front to walk around and mount all the FWF goodies you'll be receiving in couple years !
In the meantime, you've got a lot of smaller pieces to build including 10 foot long wings
You may want to read about how Jon Johanson started builting his tail kit !!
My shop is 25x25, and I wish it was bigger... but space is like fuel; more is almost always better, but sometimes a little will take you a long ways. Working on the fuselage right now, and with the empennage attached and nothing forward of the firewall I have about two to three feet of clearance on either end. I might be able to fit my wings (with no wingtips) if the fuselage is centered, but I'll only have about six inches to spare on either side. Even though the specs say the complete plane will will fit, I'm having a hard time imagining the fuselage fitting straight between the walls from nose cone to tailwheel. I'll see how it plays out... and share the information here.