Anyone know where to get an extra key for the RV8? I have the key for the magneto/start switch from VANS that I installed in my 8. It also fits the lock on the luggage compartment. Thought it would be a good idea to have an extra key just in case. Could not find a key maker locally even at a speciality lock shop. Vans referred me to their supplier: "Instrument Sales and Service". They were unable to help. Would hate to be out at some remote strip and break the key off in the lock.
I think I got my spare blanks from Aircraft Spruce. I am out of town, but will see if I have a receipt with a part number when I get back home. It was there or Vans...
If it's an ACS key you can get the number off the key and order a spare from Aircraft Spruce or order a blank that your local locksmith can copy. Go to the Q&A tab for directions and phone contact info.
Timely post....

I've tried to get copies made at an ACE hardware store and while they open the baggage compartment just fine they do not work in the ignition.
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Keep trying

Some times a key maker dose not keep all the blanks that may fit your need. The bigger lock-smith shops will know where to or have the blank you need. In the bigger City's like Houston we had no problem going to the good old lock-smiths and getting copy's. Hope this helps, Yours, R.E.A. III #80888

I took an ACS ignition key to Lowes when I was flying my friend's -4 since he only had one key. They had the right size key, cut it to match and it works perfectly.