
Well Known Member

I noticed that Van's catalog shows lower intersection fairings for the RV-8. Anyone have an idea when/if the upper ones will be available? How well do these pre-made fairings fit?

I hate fiberglass with every ounce of my being, so anything I can get pre-made is a blessing.

Rusty (no plastic plane for me)
RV8 Intersection Fairings - review

I purchased upper and lower intersection fairings from Aero-Strategies Unlimited.
Both were nicely crafted and come in either epoxy or polyester resin forms, depending on which you want.
The upper fairings fit great and basically do not need any work done to them except trimming and installing whatever hardware you want to use.
The wheel pant fairings; however, did not impress me as much. They were also nicely made, but didn't fit the contour of the gear leg fairing very well. In order to make the fit as nice as you would like, it takes about the same amount of work as making them yourself. (Well, maybe it was a little easier.)

Anyway, I would recommend the upper fairings but If I had it to do over again, I would make my own lower fairings on the wheel pants.
Great info. I wonder who makes Van's lower fairings? Maybe they're better than the ones you got from Aero-strategies.

Did I mention that I hate fiberglass :)

You should try making the intersection fairings on the wheel pants. If you ask me, the upper ones are the ones that are hard to make so that they look good.
I don't know who makes the ones VAN's sells, but....I hope it's not the same folks who make the empennage fairings!
There's also another fairing manufacturer called Fairings, Etc.

Vans polyester fairings

No Kidding,
about the empennage tip fairings. This stuff has been popped out of the mold early and has shrunk, warped, and is basically disgusting. I find it astounding that Van's quality kits come supplied with this crap!?!?

If epoxy had been used for these fairings most of the problems would have been precluded, but polyester is the cheap way out.

If I was to build another RV, I would do my own tip fairings out of blue foam and epoxy "S" glass construction.

I think Van's polyester fairings are shamefull. It is more work to fabricate foam formers to fill out the fairings he sends us than it would be to just build your own!
Cheers, Pete