

Can anyone provide information on installation of brakes in the Rear cockpit of RV8A?

Any parts or kits available for RV8 rear cockpit brakes?

Please, please advise.


Rear brakes

No kits for brakes on the market, just rudder , and from what I hear that are not the greatest . Are you looking to be pilot in command from the rear , with someone with less skill in the front ?
Take a look at some biplane set ups almost all biplanes are flown from the rear . My Skybolt had two 1/4 steel tubes linking the pedals front to rear on each side .
Please, please advise.
If you really want advice, it's "don't bother" :eek: One could ask "why" you see the need?

If you really deperate and able, then technically it is surely possible. However, the whole rear seat rudder system will need to be beefed up to work properly, and then be supported well enough to add pivots for brakes etc. The assembly will grow from ~2" vertical to nearer 10" [foot brace / pivot, rudder pedal, brake pedal] all to be contained in an area encroaching on the front seaters arm / hand space.

That's before we now consider the rear seater is still probably short of engine controls except throttle, all switches, all instruments etc.
Ray Parker did it

Ray Parker put rear rudder pedals with brakes in the rear of his 8A. He used part of Vans rear rudder pedal kit, but made his own rear rudder pedals. His brake set up is rather ingenious. He was nice enough to send me a few photos.
I decided not to bother, but have saved the photos. Contact me via email and I'll send them to you. To get my [or any member's] contact info, left click on my user name [at the top of my post]
I agree with Andy - why?. Yes technically it can be done but the 8 is designed to be flown from the front and if you are looking at being able to land in an emergency from the rear then rudder pedals and a throttle should achieve that. Space is tight so my advice is don't make it tighter/heavier.