Kevin Horton

Well Known Member
I've lost count of how many RV-8/8A builder/flyer/wannabee gatherings we've done at the Theatre in the Woods. Well, its that time again.

I've been so crazy busy the last few weeks that I haven't had time to study the OSH schedule to see if there are good times. It would be good to do something on Monday or Tuesday to catch the early crowd, and another one on the final weekend for the late bunch.

I'm hoping that there is someone out there who has a better handle on the schedule than I do, and can propose two meeting times. Any takers?

I've traditionally brought name tags and markers, but I have no idea right now whether I'll make OSH or not. Any volunteers to bring name tags and markers?

Hopefully we'll have light winds in Salina, KS next week, so the flight testing goes quickly, and I get home by the weekend.
Kevin, I still have nametags and Sharpies left over from meetings of yore. I'd be happy to bring them ... except I won't be there, either.

Sorry, I know that didn't help much. :D
I'm hoping it's Tuesday or later. I got my 2015 app installed this morning, and my schedule is filling up fast... but I'd like to make this. I'll check for updates regularly.
I'm traveling Tuesday, should be in Oshkosh by 4P. Tuesday evening could work for me, but Wednesday or Thursday would be better for me.
Mon to Thurs I hope

I've missed the last several gathering....will be nice to make this year if possible. Tuesday or Wednesday works for me
I'm in Salina now, with very intermittent internet connections. It is good at the airport, but often unusable at the hotel.

Looking at the forum and workshop schedules, no matter time we pick it will interfere with something else that is of interest to someone. But, clearly some times are better than others.

I propose two gatherings:

Tues, 1:15
Saturday, 10:00

Theatre in the Woods, on the end towards the flight line.

If anyone has a better proposal, now is the time to make it, with an explanation as to why it is better.

I'm hoping to make the first one. I think we have a reasonable shot at finishing this round of flight testing tomorrow (assuming the maintenance guys can fix today's snag), which should allow me to arrive at OSH on Sunday. I almost certainly won't stay all week, so I probably won't make the second one.
No one has objected, or offered a better suggestion, so we'll go with my proposal:

Tues, 1:15
Saturday, 10:00

Theatre in the Woods, on the end towards the flight line.

Hope to see you there.
Thursday to Sat works for me. I would love to get together. I bought an RV-8 in January with 110 hours and now have 150+. I love this plane. I would propose Thursday afternoon, just don't know where to suggest. ??
We had the Tuesday PM RV-8 meeting yesterday - it was a good news/bad news story.

The bad news is the turnout was the lowest ever, with only about a dozen people. After I get home, I'd be interested to have a discussion to understand why most folks stayed away, and decide if we should change the format for next year.

The good news is that two of the pilots were with the Airbus A350, parked on Boeing Square. Terry has an RV-8, and Thierry is almost finished building his. After we were done, Thierry gave us a private tour of the A350 cockpit, then we walked around looking at RV-8s. Thanks Thierry!
Came to OSH (Drove, still building) first time with my daughter..

I would have been there but didn't know about it.. judging from the google search I did..looks to be MY fault for not knowing it existed!
Was at the 'meeting' Monday , where I got some great advice and motivation.. and was in OSH til Thursday.

Was there a memo I missed somewhere ,,, do I need to get on VAF more often? ;)

Still learning,