
Well Known Member
I can see a potential issue that might pop up on an a cross country so looking to the the collective mind here for ideas (resistance is futile).

I have the key that opens the front baggage compartment but I can see a day where I have stuff to get out of the front baggage compartment and I can?t find the key I was sure I brought along. I have a keyless ignition system and a canopy lock that I never lose so I?d rather do away with the key requirement altogether. Has anyone used a latch of some kind on the front baggage door that does not require a key, similar to the oil door latch some have used?
I don't have a solution for you per se, but it sure shouldn't be difficult to fashion a small lever system to move those rods that lock it shut.

I personally keep a spare key in the seat back pocket. As well, I do like to have a place that I can lock up head sets or other high dollar items as I never lock my canopy.
Good post as it builds on a recent post about the IGN Keys vs. push button start.

I have push button IGN and don’t lock my canopy, so I am good...or so I thought.

I am going to use the spare key option idea for the baggage compartment.

One other thing I will add is my “Spare” jumper wire I made and carry on board for my Pmag IGN Switches.

If the switch fails I can pop the jumper on in a few seconds and continue.
The builder of my 8 attached that key to a retractable string reel attached just inside the cockpit on the right side. You can sort of see it in this photo:

Could just hang a key on the firewall reachable from the oil door. Something secure enough to keep from falling out but not needing a tool to retrieve.
KISS method, keep a spare key in the cockpit👍:)
Plenty of places to keep spare keys out of sight in a Vans cockpit -:)