
Well Known Member
I'm assembling the left flap and I'm at the point of fabricating the the flap attachment pieces ( the FL-406 A, B, & C ). My drawing 14 shows the basic pictures of these pieces, and the stock from which to make them, but no actual patterns. These drawings are from 2001.

Are we on our own to fabricate these pieces best we can or am I missing something?
Well its been some time since I made these parts and I have pulled out my drawings and I have a drawing 14A which was drawn in 2000. This has both the basic picture and the required specs on what the shape and size of the components need to be. They are kinda hidden but if you look closely you will see that dimensions and rivet locations are shown for the pieces your talking about. Assuming you have the same drawing I have look directly above the "exploded" plain view and you will see rivet layouts that match to the parts your trying to make.
Just mnade these three pieces

Your luck..Made all three (6) fo these over the past two days, used drawing 14A. What do you need to know? I agree the plans are very vague and yes, you make these pieces. The reinforcement plate is cut from flat stock. I used a paper template for this and the other two are made from angle stock and the dimensions are on the plans. Just remeber to make a left and right from the angle stock so you won't make the same mistake I did and make two lefts... The plans are frustrating but adequate and there is not much margin for error. Call me on the phone @601-502-6142 for specifics if you want to quiz me.
:)Mike D.
Just made these three pieces

Your luck..Made all three (6) of these over the past two days, used drawing 14A. What do you need to know? I agree the plans are very vague and yes, you make these pieces. The reinforcement plate is cut from flat stock. I used a paper template for this and the other two are made from angle stock and the dimensions are on the plans. Just remeber to make a left and right from the angle stock so you won't make the same mistake I did and make two lefts... The plans are frustrating but adequate and there is not much margin for error. Call me on the phone @601-502-6142 for specifics if you want to quiz me.
:)Mike D.
...you know... I guess sometimes I can't see the forest for the trees. The patterns were right there the whole time! Right under my nose! I suppose if I were an engineer, I might have seen them a little quicker.

Thanks Jeremy and Mike for your help in navigating Vans' sometimes "muddy" waters!:)
Nut Plate???

One thing to look out for -- if you go to drawing 80 it will show a nutplate on the inside of the flap end rib for attaching the actuator rod. :eek: That nutplate is nowhere to be found on my drawing 14A. I saw on an older thread that there is a drawing 14B but I never got that, and need to get one. My flaps are all assembled, with the appropriate hole endlarged to 1/4" per the plans, but I'm stumped as to how to get a nutplate in there without tearing it all apart.:confused: If you haven't assembled your flap yet, and your drawings don't have said nut plate for the rod attachment, I would research it prior to setting rivets.

I think this is an issue for those of us that purchased a wing kit prior to the announcement of the pre-punced fuselage kits.

If anyone can clear up how the flap actuator rods attach to these flaps (pics), I would sure appreciate it.
A nutplate would have been nice

I just got finished fitting my flaps last month and a nutplate would have really helped. The flap actuator rod attaches to the flap with a rod end bearing type fitting. Upon assembly, you are told to vary the number of washers between the rod end and the flap attach bracket. However, you cannot use more than two or three washers because you will not have enough thread left on the rod end for the nut. Even using three washers (the minimum I could use to get clearance) I had to use a low profile nut to make things work. In addition, it is a real bear to get that nut in there on assembly. If you have not assembled the flap bracket yet, I would definitely slam a nutplate in there. It would solve a host of challenges when you fit the flaps to the wing and fuselage.
RV-8 Flap Attach Bracket DWG 14B


It looks like you struck some bad luck as there is no longer a 14A only a 14B "Flap" dated 2/06/2002. My wing kit was delivered July 07. When was yours?

Good luck

Bob Ellis
www.rv-8.co.uk (Fuselage 1/3 complete)
Mine is the 14A drawing

My wing kit came in early 2002, but my drawings is the 14A one and no nutplate is mentioned. The nutplate idea sounds like a good one, but how did everyone else attach their flaps prior to this nutplate idea came up?
Drawing 14A or 14B?

I recieved my wing kit in June 2006. I'm stumped on this drawing thing. I did just happen to see a RV-8 built in 2002 this last weekend, so I went over to check out the flap attachment. Is was as depicted in 14A with a nut on the backside.