Would anyone like to comment on this box of stuff ? Or would the better idea be to pick up stuff as needed, oil cooler, throttle/ cables, clamps, hoses etc. Maybe the kit is a good money saver, or stuff that you might end up replacing later after reading some other builders comments. Any thoughts and ideas are always welcome. Thanks, Bill in Idaho.
I can't specifically speak to the -8, but I know the other fwf kits are great. They leave out a lot of the guesswork. Usually there are a few things that people like to change, but you can get those removed from the kit. The oil cooler sometimes is one deletion. Hoses are another for people who want to go with a special type of hose.
I'd pick and choose...also, you didn't say what engine and induction you have...is it a standard Vans setup? If not, some of the things included in the FWF kit may not work for you. Have Vans send you the exact list of what they include in the FWF kit for your engine and then go through it step by step to see if you want each piece. Otherwise, you risk buying some thing you'll never use or don't fit. Also, some of the parts supplied (the breather hose comes to mind) are in my opinion sub-standard.
I'm also for pick and choose , some of fwf kit items are too generic and some are too specific , but in all fairness I'm very close to acs so I can buy items easily, I like to have things fit properly , hoses,cables etc. generaly do not fit the way I like, but they will work
I've done planes both ways, and if you are building very close to "stock", going with the kit is the fastest and simplest way. It's a pain having to wait several days for that ONE fitting you thought you had, but didn't, or didn't know you needed. Van's kits work, and work well.

If you are customizing, then you are already buying into wait times when you discover what you need and have to order it.
I've done planes both ways, and if you are building very close to "stock", going with the kit is the fastest and simplest way. It's a pain having to wait several days for that ONE fitting you thought you had, but didn't, or didn't know you needed. Van's kits work, and work well.

If you are customizing, then you are already buying into wait times when you discover what you need and have to order it.

I.will.add.that by going with.the Van's FwF kit, you will save not only time but shipping costs because you are not placing a bunch of small orders with a bunch of different vendors.
Once you look over the kit and decide to change a few things, or some won't fit what you are doing, they can be returned to Van's for credit. The electrical kit was the same way. There were #2 cables to fit several configurations, most got sent back.