Got or building a fastback? Which one?

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As I work slowly but surely on re-modelling the stock Vans canopy frame for the Tom Clark fastback, I wondering how many -8(A)'s were out there that have been fastbacked and what sort; or how many people wanted or want a fastback if there was a stock Vans offering...?

So what's the deal..?

1. Showplanes fastback?
2. Tom Clark fastback
3. Other (specify in your post)
4. I would if Vans made one as a stock option.
I'm probably gonna do my -4 project with a Harmon Rocket type fastback... but keeping the 4-cylinder.... we'll see. I have to build the wings first.
Showplanes; unless Van's produced an option over the course of my build.
Pardon my thread drift, but what's the attraction of a fastback? Is it purely aesthetic? Are you getting a few more knots, or is it something else? (passenger headroom perhaps?)

Just curious


RV-8 (extremely slow-back)

......and looks, Andy. There's some turbulence behind the rear of the stock canopy. If you'll observe, all the -6's, -7's and -9's are in reality, fastbacks, with the reflex, or pressure recovery, built in, just like the newer wheel farings.

i like fastback looks

while i am thinking of building the 3 the question is relevant, when you make your fastback do you make new bulkheads or just attach to what van's give you. just dreaming but the first choice would be van's. then i guess if i do it it will be roll my own.
while i am thinking of building the 3 the question is relevant, when you make your fastback do you make new bulkheads or just attach to what van's give you. just dreaming but the first choice would be van's. then i guess if i do it it will be roll my own.
If I was doing it on an initial build, I'd make my own former rings and bulkheads, and stretch the skin over both. If I was retrofitting it, I'd make it out of foam/s-glass and ... nah I'd just leave it like it was....

There's actually someone else building a Tom Clark fastback!! The TC fastback consists of just reeplacement bulkhead uppers; everything else, including cutting and drilling the replacement skin, making or modifying a canopy frame, and bending the canopy track are all done by the builder 'as needed'; no easy task compared to the now expected fully matched hole pre-punched era of airplane building. Kinda gives you a taster of how the -3, -4 and -6 guys did things!

I did the fb mod partly for looks, nothing to do with speed at all, but also because I wanted something a little different. The main reason though was that the NZ regs want the ELT aerial vertically mounted and since I don't want it on the bottom and the standard -8 canopy extends all the way to the vert stab, I was left with a small problem. The TC fb solves that since it stops several inches short of the vert stab and still retains the sliding canopy I wanted (I'm not overly keen on the tip-over).

Would I do it again. Er, honestly, no! I'd probably go showplanes next time around (yep, with the tip-over), if anything at all. That is, if I don't build the helicopter I have my eyes on next :p
Fast Back mod


You bring up a question I have pondered since I started building! How to get out if upside down. I am building a Show Planes Fast Back, which includes the optional roll bar welded to the front seat WD 808. No windshield roll bar with this mod.

I have seen posts here, where people think they can hammer there way out of the canopy, but I don't think that will work well in a short period of time. Kick it out, mabey, again not sure how well that would work, especially if injured. On the plus side, if upside down, the canopy will be resting on the roll bar, which would have already broken the plexi. Now if you could remove enough plexiglass, could you sleather under and out???

Of the 6 (one was a Cessna Caravan, several others tailwheels) times I landed with an engine out or in the state of destroying itself, I have always been able to eather put it on an airport, or highway, thus keeping the aircraft upright.

I have thought about making an emergency release for the right side of the canopy like the Extra 300 has. This MIGHT help in pushing the canopy back, not sure though.

Wees takes our chances!
Aft canopy flow separation

A few years back I did some work on an air racing P51D (race #11 - Miss A) and one area I tested was aft canopy flow stability.

We tufted the canopy and under all normal flight conditions the flow remained attached and stable over the canopy and just aft of it. I think the D model mustang got fitted with the bubble canopy for visibility improvement reasons. There are a few other P51's that run a fastback type of canopy, or a very chopped down version of the bubble. We decided to keep Miss A's canopy stock in order to retain its classic look.

Since pressure recovery is never 100% perfect in the compressible flow world, I know the RV bubble does cost a bit. But I'd be surprised if its more than a knot or two. The fastback fuselage does add some wetted area. It looks cool, though.
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Mostly planned for looks and individuality, extra speed would be just fine too. Planning a showplanes as I want a tip-over as on the -4.

I like the looks of the plane and the unobstructed view out of the canopy. I know people say they hardly notice the canopy support on the -8 but I really love the view from the -4.
I have dreams/hopes/aspirations/delusions about building an 8.

If I am fortunate enough to do so, it will be a Show Plane tip over.

I stopped off at their place on the way to the Homecoming, and Brian was really great to talk to. He even let me "try on" a plane:D

In addition to the looks, and probable performance increase, what is my main draw is the extra interior width that comes from eliminating the sliding canopy rails and their mount.

The additional access behind the instrument panel is another plus.
Does anybody have any pics of an -8A with the Showplanes FB conversion? I'd really like to see one...
