
Active Member
I would like to wait for the rumored factory fastback option from Van's.
I would also like to beat QB price increase by ordering before the end of next month.
I wonder whether the price guarantee is being offered now to clear out some standard QB fuses in order to make room for the projected fastback inventory?

Anyone heard anything lately about when/if the fastback option will be available?

anyone? anyone? Buehler?

Knowing Van's KISS principles.... I say the fastback-8 will never be produced. If I were you, I'd order the QB right now and go to showplanes and get their fastback kit. It sure does look nice. I could be wrong... but I think Vans is too old fashoned to do the fastback.... anyone want to correct me? Cause I could be OH SO wrong.... it's happened before and it will happen again. Actually... If I were you... I'd get the tail... do the builders weekend and put the deposit down to guarantee the price if they will let you... and see if you can talk to Van himself....
I agree with Brian. As far as I know, the fastback option rumor is just that - a rumor. Some people were guessing that the major announcement before Oshkosh was the fastback option, but it turned out to be the fully matched hole RV-8/8A fuse.

For what its worth, I remember writing a post saying that I didn't think Van's would get into the light sport market (based on what Van had said in articles and Oshkosh forums). A few days later the RV-12 was announced.
I asked Vans...

...while I was checking some other stuff (by email) I asked about the rumoured fastback. They chose to strategically ignore that part of the email. Take that whichever way you wish. One of those political and non-commital " we neither confirm nor deny" things maybe?

Incidentally, I'm in the same boat but I'm not waiting now: I'm trying to organize a fastback kit through Tom Clark...

RV8 Fastback

:) Hiya Guys, When we attended Vans Homecoming we noticed the company RV8 that they call "Dilbert" was nowhere to be seen. We had an interest in it because we were planning to buy a kit. It took some carefully worded questions to the right individual and he released that they had moved it to an employees hangar. Why I asked, and he volunteered that it was undergoing a modification. I guess that is the fastback conversion and recieved a grin from him. The RV12 was behind schedule from when they said it would fly so it probably bumped the RV8 back as well. I read quite a few rumors about what would be announced at Oshkosh and the matched hole RV8 was one of them. I would guess we will be seeing a company built fastback RV8 and since they took the effort to match hole the 8 kit it seems only logical that if others out in the field are offering kits for a fastback, that Vans would pull that back inhouse as well. :)
About a month or two before Oshkosh I called Vans and told them that "someone" "somewhere" had said they saw a 8 fuselage that was matched drilled at Vans shop in Aurora and asked when or if it would be available, the guy said flat out "naa no such thing". He said "you should just buy now we got the standard QB they are in stock".... So ya never really know what they are going to do other than that they will do what they think is best for the business. That is not always bad, as far as I know they have been in business longer that any kit company and that is good for the customer. So many kit companies are in and out of business over the years. A friend a few years back bought a Kitfox kit paid for it all up front got most of the airframe and after three years (or more) of fighting with them got the engine. He told me alot of people never got there engine. (i hear someone bought the Kitfox company after they went under) this from a company that had been in business 15-16 years. Oh well just a thought.........
Messages on Dilbert


The bold messages below were PMs to me concerning the fastback, several months ago. To the best of my knowledge, the individual that send these message has no reason to fabricate any fact. At LOE, I sat next to Ken Kruger and asked him about the fastback and referenced the messages below. He would not confirm anything, but he indicated he knew the author of these messages and would not comment on him either. Subsequent inquiries of Ken have gone unanswered. I have a Tom Clark Kit, but dread the canopy cage modification part. My plan is to wait until Oshkosh 07. If no fastback by then, I will order a fuse kit and proceed.

[PM text here that Robby inserted was removed by 'dr', as it pertains to a former employee of Van's, his relationship with them, and things that might or might not be in development. It didn't seem to be appropriate so I deleted it. If you don't agree, my apologies.]

I don't have a problem with the edit. If I were in Doug's shoes, I would probably done the same thing. If anyone would like more of the subjective(accuruate or not) info that I have obtained during my wandering through this subject, e-mail me or call me. PM me for a telephone #.
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What's the big attraction?

Ok, so maybe the rumor does have some basis behind it. Of course, I did offer the disclaimer that I was wrong about the RV-12.

Anyway, what is the big attration with the fastback? The gain in speed will probably be minimal and the visibility will be reduced (although not by too much). The only potential gain that I can see is looks, although I personally like the current bubble vs. the fast back. Don't get me wrong, the Rockets with the fastback style canopy are very attractive airplanes, but I like the classic bubble for the -8.
ericwolf said:
The only potential gain that I can see is looks, although I personally like the current bubble vs. the fast back.

Different strokes.... I like the look of the fastback. That being said, I am considering a paint scheme based on a Korean War era F-51D which would probably look more realistic with a bubble canopy.

I like the bubble look better, but I think the big plus to the fastback is ease of construction. The rear canopy skin on a bubble is a major pain.

I am in the process of finishing a Showplanes fastback, and can't say enough good things about the quality of the kit. The turtledeck was prepunched and everything fit as well if not better than if it was from Van's. The instruction manual was very well done and Brian and Butch are readily available over the phone to answer questions. I started with a QB, so I had to remove the original turtledeck and side rails. The kit and canopy frame are very well engineered.

No slider

If the showplanes kit retained the slider I'd be in with a grin. But it doesn't, so its Tom Clark for me, unless Vans get their finger out... :)
tilt vs slider

I like not having the rollbar in my field of view (former RV4 guy) but that said, I love all RV's, 8's especially. Can't wait to begin adding stories, videos and new friends. Not sure I'll fly it to NZ, however.
Awwww c'mon...

....its not that far. Few thosand miles maybe. Jon did it... well, maybe not NZ, but certainly he went a loooooong way!! :)
My opinion

I hope they offer a fastback, but also keep the current design so folks have a choice.
I don't really like the fast-back or the current model with the stock canopy (too big and not rakish(sp) enough). Although I am only on my tail at this point, I plan to use a sloped (flat) windshield and cut my canopy down like Steve Rs airplane when I get to that stage.
Anyway, makes for interesting conversation and hopefully we'll soon know.

Steve Raddatz's aircraft.

Francis Butler
szicree said:
I like the bubble look better, but I think the big plus to the fastback is ease of construction. The rear canopy skin on a bubble is a major pain.

Of course, -4's and -8's are different designs....

I was fortunate in that the glass skirt on my -8 fit very well, so doing the bubble version was really pretty simple - a couple of evenings work. I know many people have had a terrible time with it though! (I think the newer skirts are much better....)

I agree that the choice between bubble or fastback is 100% personal peferences - I have always liked the "D" model Mustang better than an "A" or "B" look......and I like the non-fastback (Ford) Mustangs better as well....and I can't tell you why!

Rocket Slider Canopy Kit

Does anyone know if the F1 Rocket Slider Canopy Kit will fit a modified 8 Fastback? With minor modifications? I really dread trying to modify the Vans Canopy to fit the Clark kit. I've e-mailed Mark several times about the subject, but received no response.
Not to upset anyone, but a set of evo wings would be THE THING lookswise. As far as canopy goes ,they are both nice to me and I would have trouble choosing.

I love my RV but those wings...............
Evo 8 wings

Seems like a good idea.....maybe someone----Mark????--should design that as a reasonable mod and gen a kit where the Rockets are built. Theres plenty of 8 drivers looking for cool mods!
I'm another one that can't imagine building a fastback. I think the bubble canopies look much better, and they have better visibility too. Different strokes I guess....

more thoughts

Hmmmm.... I know I LOVE the raked winshield of the EVO instead of the bubble... dunno if any speed gain... I love the showplanes fastback... and I love the EVO wing look. I must say they would sell lots of EVO wings for it because of the response Mark F has gotten from the EVO wings on his. I want the -4 so bad I can taste it... but if they mod the -8 it will win hands down.(payload).. I wanted to chop the canopy too but I'm so tall I'm gonna wait and see on that one.
brianwallis said:
Hmmmm.... I know I LOVE the raked winshield of the EVO instead of the bubble... dunno if any speed gain... I love the showplanes fastback... and I love the EVO wing look. I must say they would sell lots of EVO wings for it because of the response Mark F has gotten from the EVO wings on his. I want the -4 so bad I can taste it... but if they mod the -8 it will win hands down.(payload).. I wanted to chop the canopy too but I'm so tall I'm gonna wait and see on that one.

Sounds like you should just buy an F1 Rocket and bag the 8 :D

Rick in Ohio at the Buffalo Farm - RV6sold, RV4 Sold, RV8 finished, RV4 flying, RV10 almost done, F1 Rocket kit #89 is waiting for me to get back to it :)
Raked Windshield

I purchased mine from Airplane Plastics, the same folks who make the OEM canopies for Van's. I'm at work right now and don't have their phone number, but I can get it this evening if Googleing doesn't find it for you first. They do not have a web site, but are very down-to-earth, nice people to deal with. I believe mine is 1/4" thick, and since it's a flat wrap piece, it's not stretched thinner like the forward portion of a blown canopy. Very sturdy feeling. I'm still trying to decide how much, if any, to chop the canopy. I may have to lower it a bit to keep the flat windscreen from extending out into the baggage compartment area. I'm not quite to that stage of the fuselage construction, but should be getting there in the next month or so.
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I went with a fastback kit (Showplanes) for a number of reasons:

Eliminate the front roll bar and fairing strip from the pilot's view.

Eliminate the potential for water leaks at the windshield seam. No canopy cover required.

No drafty canopy skirt.

Taller rear baggage area, handy for bulky things.

The seatback roll bar is a great handhold/balance aid for getting passengers in and out.

Passenger's butt can't catch the canopy edge.

I liked taxi with the canopy rolled back (doesn't everybody?), but it rattled in the propwash at more than engine idle. (There is an open question here regarding how well the tip-over bubble will do in the taxi lock position.)

Easier to clean the inside of the bubble, in particular toward the rear.

Access behind the instrument panel from above. Working from the bottom is pretty miserable in an -8.

Your mileage may vary <g>

Dan Horton
rv6rick said:
Sounds like you should just buy an F1 Rocket and bag the 8 :D

Rick in Ohio at the Buffalo Farm - RV6sold, RV4 Sold, RV8 finished, RV4 flying, RV10 almost done, F1 Rocket kit #89 is waiting for me to get back to it :)
yea.. but I dont have the 43k for a F-1 :mad:
I'm employed but I need a higher income job so I can buy a kit!!! I would appreciate any help from anyone that knows of anything in GA that I could do... Gotta build an airplane... eating is overrated....

I'll gladly trade a lifetime of eating rice and beans for a F-1...(flying) :D
Rick.. you gonna sell me your -4?
Speed, not trivial either

szicree said:
I like the bubble look better, but I think the big plus to the fastback is ease of construction. The rear canopy skin on a bubble is a major pain.
It (fast back) should also be faster.
Trust me, it's cool!

Pretty cool to see my father in law's Super 8 on the web! Smokey, you just emailed me asking what I thought??? Well, he let me fly it twice last week and yes, it ROCKS! I used to have a HRII and this plane is every bit as fun, but yet better in some ways: Better view over the nose, tons better canopy system (Great job Brian from " which was draft free and GREAT vis, lots of baggage space, even more than a standard 8, and the performance was eye watering yet used only 10.5 gph at 9,500' loafing along at 195 knots true.

We all have our preferences and when my father in law said he was going with the -8, I felt the F1 would have been a better pick. Still love the F1 but this Super 8 made me a believer...this plane is pure sexy, comfortable, and a real eye catcher with near jetlike performace.

Thanks for the pic!

RV-4 fastback in the build process
YAK 50
JJ what is the name of the owner?
I would like to get a hold of him and ask some questions. Im trying to keep up with the Super 8 drivers and compare notes. Your comments sound like ME!

Dang that thing looks good. hmmmm. wonder how long it would take me to do a fast back conversion :rolleyes:

Oh No!!

Dang that thing looks good. hmmmm. wonder how long it would take me to do a fast back conversion
Could it be a third RV in your future :eek: A Three peater!!!
Kahuna said:
what is the name of the owner?
I would like to get a hold of him and ask some questions. Im trying to keep up with the Super 8 drivers and compare notes. Your comments sound like ME!

Looks like Dave Hilker's plane that showplanes did. I have looked this plane over at a few fly-in events here in Kansas. This plane is gorgeous! I haven't had a chance to meet Mr. Hilker, but one of these days I hope to catch up with him.
Jetj01 said:
Pretty cool to see my father in law's Super 8 on the web! but this Super 8 made me a believer...this plane is pure sexy, comfortable, and a real eye catcher with near jetlike performace.
Man, I hope RV4chick doesnt see this picture, Jj. If you start telling her about your fathers in law's Super 8 when you are here at Xmas for Larrys going away party, you are going to cost me a whole lot of dough and time for the next few years!
Flies like a fighter...

Yep, JJ, when I saw your Father-in-laws -8 at Oshkosh and took the photo, I was impressed. You and I however are jaded, flying jet fighters for a living and having several tours flying combat in Iraq (nothing is more frustrating yet rewarding). That said, I like the fastback -8, not better than my HR2, but I really like it. Rumour has it Van may offer a conversion kit for the -8.
I am asked at every fuel stop which I like better, the Rocket, RV-4,-8 or F-16 and the answer remains the same. The F-16C is better than sex, period.
To quote my late, great squadron bud and fellow RV driver Brian "Wolfman" Wolf when asked the same question he said: RV's aren't fighters but thery're still very, very cool...

Rob Ray
RV4, HR2, F-16C on weekends...
I'm cool with that!

Tom, as for RV4chick, don't be putting your guilt trip on her man! YOU want, no, you NEED 300 hp/3,500 FPM!!! She may just agree!!! Of course you would have to share...that would suck!

Yesterday I flew the Super 8 down to Hicks in DFW area (great little restaurant BTW) and got a little IFR time with the Blue Mountain (I want one!) Pulled the prop back to 2290 and the MP to 22 because we were down low (2,000' agl) and wanted to keep it out of redline, trying to avoid the Class B and STILL was getting 198 Knots TAS with just 13 GPH. The combination seems right!

As for you Smokey, come on now, this is a general aviation/RV/ pseudo Rocket site. There will soon be a time where the F-16/F-4/F-117/??? will be something that the young guys get to fly and we get to see at airshows only. And truth be told, I have JUST about as much fun in my general aviation flying as I do military. My father in law and I were flying back from Love field in my RV-6 Friday and after a barrel roll for, well, because we could, I looked over at Dave and said, "This does not suck!"

We are lucky people in this country to do what we do. And we are lucky to have been picked to be flyers, because it is a deep yearninig we have and, luckily, the RV et al lets us do it in fine form!


RV-4 fastback building
YAK 50
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Strength in numbers...

Agreed JJ, we can't fly fighters forever, even I (grandpa) admit that! :) My point was the Fastback 8 is cool, as are RV's and the HR2's in general. I absolutely love both of mine, fly them alot and grin constantly every time I go up. You and I are blessed brother, let me tell ya! However comma, they are not fighters, can't pull 9 G's without shedding parts and are still made of thin aluminum. So, when we go beyond the designers limits, change a thing or two, bolt a big motor out front and increase the speed range 30%, you really are going where no man has gone before, at least RV-wise.
One of the things John Harmon did right on the HR2 was to modify the RV4 wing. When he shortened the wingspan he kept the same number of ribs, moved them closer together and kept the RV4's much superior laminated spar cap. Voila', higher wing loading, better ride in bumps, stronger and an improved roll rate. Mark Frederick duplicated the HR2 wing design, slightly improving several things on the F-1. As far as I know, the Super 8's retain the longer wing, single extrusion spar shared with the stock RV8. How strong is it when you go beyond the book? Who knows, but the prototype -8 shed a wing going beyond the limits. Van's reluctance to embrace the Super 8 and the HR2/F-1 is one sign we are on our own. (and that his children have found something cool.) Yes, they are experimental, but with real engineering behind them and posted design limits.
That doesn't bother you or I, we know our own limits. I am concerned about the 300 hour dudes out there building a Super 8 and reading about them in the paper after a mishap. Yep, I love flying the HR2, rolling upside down when I please and having a ball. I know you do too.
We all should just remember that experimental written on the side by definition means "testing". It should be done wisely..

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Ahhhhh Mastah!


It appears you have been able to take the stone from the Master's hand and walk on the rice paper without leaving a foot print...

Remind me to tell you about my buddy Muddy W. who bought my last RV-4. He is a patch wearing test pilot and former Test Group CC and when he bought my RV he put it thru a 'real' test evaluation program, for his own peace of mind. The RV-4 is truly a stoutly built/well engineered aircraft. My favorite and I love them.

And you are right. What Van said when he looked over the Big 8 at OSH was he liked it, but could not endorse it for fear of the 'more money than brains crowd' (my interpretation!) that invade many a fine adventure. Experimental and inherently safe, but still frought with danger when a dumba-- gets put into the loop!

I did a Fastback too...


Years ago, I got together with Tom Clark and was his first customer for the Clark Fastback. Roll bar was cut down 1", and canted fwd approx 15 degrees. Sliding canopy frame I did myself, I also fabbed by own metal canopy skirts. Not flying yet, getting prepped for paint. Here she is in my driveway.


This one with the canopy open:


Here you can see the metal skirts:


And here's a closeup of the windshield fairing (glass and removable):


Questions welcome.

Art Treff
RV8 IO360 (10:1) Hartzell BA prop, full IFR, ER Tanks.
Tom Clark Fastback

Hi Art,

I've ordered a TC FB kit also, and it should get delivered with my fuse kit in mid-Feb '07. I suspect maybe his kit and instructions have evolved over time, especially since you were his first customer, but do you have any gotchas I need to look out for?

Also, why the metal skirts? Any advantages there? And how easy was the whole, chopping the rollbar and leaning forwards thing?

I too, am building a TC FB. I'm just finishing the turdledeck and have cut the rollbar for the shrink/cant.

I hope to finish this soon and get on to the interior paint and then on to the installation of the IO-390 and BA prop under a SJ holy cowl.

Deene Ogden
N299AD, RV8QB, 390, BA, TC FB, SJ Plenum/cowl
EAA Tech Counselor/Flight Advisor
Debonair C33-250hp N6047F
Finished (sold): N99AD BD4-200 (22yr, 1200hrs), N199AD One Design-180
F-back slider closure mechanism

I'll be curious to see your canopy closure mechanism as well as canopy frame. Mine's done, obviously, but in hindshight I could have done things better.

Where are you located?

Art in Asheville (NC)
Reply to Antigravity

AntiGravity said:
Hi Art,

I've ordered a TC FB kit also, and it should get delivered with my fuse kit in mid-Feb '07. I suspect maybe his kit and instructions have evolved over time, especially since you were his first customer, but do you have any gotchas I need to look out for?

Also, why the metal skirts? Any advantages there? And how easy was the whole, chopping the rollbar and leaning forwards thing?


I'm not sure what has evolved in Tom's fastback kit. For me back then, Tom provided new ribs and instructions and mailed me a full sized model of the new skin. I bought a 4x8 sheet of alum and whanged away on it. I really didn't need the skin template, wrapping the full sheet over the new ribs was all I really needed to do. That was the 'kit'.

The rollbar lowering and canting thing is somethign that Tom and I came up with over the phone, discussing what we liked for looks. It's not mandatory, but I prefer the look. It does complicate the fabrication of your canopy frame a bit.

The hardest part about the fastback was fabricating my own canopy frame out of 4130 tubing, then figuring out the closure mechanism. I do not like the looks of rockets with tip over canopies, so I was committed to the slider. The learning curve was steep for me, as I know how to weld but I have never fabb'd something from tubing then tried to get the completed frame bent to the proper fit. I cut up Van's frame to create my fastback frame, which if I were to do it again, I'd probably start from scratch. I wasted a ton of time trying to get Van's to work, not to mention burning and sandblasting the powdercoat off. You'll have to be thinking about where to put the 'dagger pin' that keeps the canopy from lifting. The standard 8 has it at the bottom of the canopy ramp on the centerline. I copied the Rocket guys and put one on either side of the cockpit rails to keep the sides from bowing in flight (thereby eliminating I hope the air leakage on the side skirts.). If your fuse is not started yet, I'd seriously think about how to submerge the canopy centerline ramp under the turtledeck skin. I kept the standard Van's and still have not figured out how to seal that danged thing. I mean, here I was, totally reconstructing my turtle deck into a fastback, I could have probably concealed the canopy rail below the surface. ****, it all comes down to time spent on the plane. For me, the fastback added considerable time, alot of it making and remaking things for the canopy. I also did not enlist the aid of other local EAA guys, which would have probably yielded a time savings.

As to metal skirts over glass, RV friends complain about glass skirts being tight in warm weather, and loose in cold weather (or vice versa, I forget). Anyway, I reasoned that the coeffecient of expansion for plastic is larger than for alum, and since most of the aircraft is alum, they would all expand together. If done correctly the canopy glass will float beneath the mounting screws and the skirts will move with the frame and the alum fuselage. This is all theoretical, as I'm not flying yet.

I ralionalized the fastback decision six ways from sunday, citing speed, lack of air leakage for the back seater, but the reality comes down to looks. That's what kept me going in the months I spent messing with the canopy frame, as I sure spent a ton of time on it, it was fun tho, and my ship will be somewhat unique.

Good luck with yours.
TC fastback

Thanks Art,

As you have no doubt realised, I have not yet started (or received!) my fuse kit. I'll certainly bear your advice in mind when looking at the canopy install, especially with regard to the submerged rail thing; it would look nice as well as help seal better, I'm guessing.

Hi Art...I'm in the Austin, TX area.

I haven't spend a lot of time on the mod yet. Turtle deck is about complete and I've cut the front roll bar and trimmed for welding. I also have made the first cut on the canopy frame to remove the rear section that won't fit the new deck.

I think the canopy mods will take a little extra time, primarily to make sure everything fits nicely and looks good.

Where in Austin?

I've got a trip planned for the week of 1/15 into Austin. Is you project on an airport? I'll be flying myself into Bergstrom, so I could stop by and visit you, or If you're not on the field at AUS, I can land at yours on the way in or out.
Viper 8YT

Finished my RV8 last summer. Built my own turtle deck. Modified Van's canopy frame and windshield frame. Added a flat windshield. The look is drop dead beautiful and the airplane is blistering fast. 206 knots at 5500 ft. at full throttle.

E-mail me direct at [email protected] for pictures.

Robert W. Johs
Palacios, Texas
tloof said:
........ and the airplane is blistering fast. 206 knots at 5500 ft. at full throttle.
With what engine? Is that 206 true?

That speed would be faster than the Super 8s flying around this neck of the woods and probably faster than my Rocket.
I'm with Randy.....sounds like your 8 is faster than my HRII and will be faster than the F1 Rocket kit that's sitting in my garage collecting dust.....I guess I blew it :( .

The 'flat' windscreen on the Rockets doesn't make 'it' go any faster......maybe it has a differenct effect on the 8 :rolleyes: ??

Tell us more about your powerplant and prop you determined your 206kts speed??