Adam Oke

Well Known Member
Well .... I've got an exciting road ahead of me!

I figured I should let everyone know that I have finally sent in the order and draft for the RV-8 Empennage Kit with Electric Trim. I purchased the preview plans in 08, bought shiny new tools from Isham's in late 08 ... and after letting it soak in to ensure I want to tackle this ..... another project is born!

I've taken the advice of some fellow Canadians and I'm having it delivered Fed Ex Express to a drop off station across the border. Only $133 USD. I'll run over and clear it myself to avoid any outrageous brokerage fee's.

I'll let you know when I pick it up! I sure hope this stunt doesn't fall under young and stupid. At 21 years of age, hopefully I'll have an airplane before 27!
Good job

Hey Adam, great to hear you pulled the trigger.

All the best, if you need anything dont be afraid to ask. Lots of helpful people here and many other builders in Ontario that would be happy to help out. There are 2 rv's and one rocket on the field at cyqg, at least 3 more well underway and dozens within a few hours drive. Have fun and enjoy the build.
