A question for those who have installed manual elevator trim in RV's:
What is the secret to getting the trim cable thru the very tight hole in the aft spar of the horiz stab? I have been unsuccessful in getting the cable far enough aft.

Thanks in advance,
I just went thru that. (although I realize you posted the question in 2005! but someone else may want to know)
I also couldn't get the cable end to go thru the aft spar hole in the horizontal stabilizer....Until I measured the dia of the hole and also the dia of the cable :eek:
Then I drilled it a few thou larger than the cable and it went thru after the customary half hour of squirming and fiddling.
An other important mystery was the hole for the cable to pass thru the inner rib of the horizontal stab. I think I got it right, so here's what I did, YMMV.
There are 3 lighting holes in this rib. I drilled a 3/4" hole with the step drill between the forward hole and the center hole. Just aft of center and just a bit above the centerline of the holes. Upon final installation of the cable, it seems about right, without much stress one way or the other. The hole was just about as far forward as possible to allow the not so flexible end of the cable assembly to turn the corner from the fwd spar and fuse bulkhead holes (without the snap bushings in place yet).
I added another standard snap bushing and slid it in this hole (it sits at an angle in the 3/4' hole) which I glued in with some sealant like Van's reccomends. I just thought the bushing would add some chafe protection.