
Well Known Member
They say life gets in the way of things we want to really do. So it was a bit of a surprise that it had been four years since my younger brother Mike had flown my RV-8. Time to get him back in the saddle. Since he had last flown the plane, I had added two Garmin G5, GTX 345 ADS-B IN/OUT and an Aera 660 so a little orientation session was in order. No problem. We took off from 52F (Northwest Regional Airport) on Friday September 25, 2020 and headed for Decatur, Texas (KLUD) for some landings and air work. He did great as I knew he would. I wasn't the least bit nervous sitting in the back seat with little control over what was about to happen :eek:. Actually, Mike had built and flown an RV-8 a few years back and had to sell it. I know he misses it. So he was glad to get back in the air in mine. It was fun and provided some needed bonding during the pandemic. I had a great time and didn’t even get to fly my own airplane. RVs are the best!

Brother Mike in front of N898DK at 52F (Northwest Regional Airport) in Roanoke, Texas.

Nice landing (chirp, chirp) on the return flight to 52F home field. I hope you enjoy the short video. (Double click the photo to be linked to Smug Mug and audio.)

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Awesome. I was in the pattern with ya at 52F in the Luscombe. Do you have rudder pedals in the back of your 8? If so how good are they?
Awesome. I was in the pattern with ya at 52F in the Luscombe. Do you have rudder pedals in the back of your 8? If so how good are they?


I saw you practicing landings, nice work with the one wheel touches. I have a few hours many years ago in a Luscombe and enjoyed it very much.

I did not install the rudder pedals for the back seat of my -8. Before I started my build i tried using them in a friend's -8 and while I could use them, they were difficult at best. (The "pedals" are a button-shaped piece very small in size to keep from interfering with the pilot's space.) During cruise flight you seldom need rudder, and doing takeoffs and landings from the rear seat in an -8 is not advisable IMO. That's why I did not install them.

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Chris. If that's Michael A Pratt I think I own the RV-8 he built. It is very nice. If he ever wants to buy it back let me know. He can have it for what I have in it. Selling to the original builder would be the only thing that would even have me consider selling. Otherwise it's a keeper for me.
Chris. If that's Michael A Pratt I think I own the RV-8 he built. It is very nice. If he ever wants to buy it back let me know. He can have it for what I have in it. Selling to the original builder would be the only thing that would even have me consider selling. Otherwise it's a keeper for me.

That is him. I'll let him know. I flew that airplane and you're right, it is nice. I'll pass along the compliment -- it only took him 11 years to complete ;). Lots of TLC.

Chris. ... Selling to the original builder would be the only thing that would even have me consider selling. Otherwise it's a keeper for me.

That was true for me with my 4. Glad I got her back in the right hands. The builder and I still keep in touch from time to time.