I have purchased an RV-8 and need some transition time. Additionally, I need an RV-8 sign off by a CFI for insurance purposes. ATW is the home base in WI. Any suggestions of who can help?

Galen Killam
920-246-5346 (text or call)
Does your insurance specifically state RV-8? Mine just wanted 5 hours in any tailwheel RV. Not many (if any) full dual control RV-8's out there used for transition training.
transition for RV8

Most insurance companies will let you transition in right seat RV7 or RV6 for RV-8. Got my in RV6 right seat insurance has happy with 2 hours.
My first RV insurance company accepted my 25 hours of RV-4 time as good enough for the RV-8 but then when I bought my -6, even though I had almost 100 RV tailwheel hours by then, they wanted something like 5 hours solo with 25 landings logged before I'd be covered carrying a passenger.
Most insurance companies will let you transition in right seat RV7 or RV6 for RV-8. Got my in RV6 right seat insurance has happy with 2 hours.

Random curiosity, but does the insurance specify right-seat or is that just a personal preference thing? I've been doing some Citabria flying recently to get my tailwheel, and I flew right-handed just as easily as I've been flying left-handed the last five years. Truth be told, I think it'd be more obnoxious dealing with instruments on the "other" side of the airplane...
I my be wrong but his insurance most likely asked for "in type" hours which is reason he is asking for -8 time. As others stated, most companies will accept other RVs or even as general as tail dragger time if you have any.
If you don't have any RV flying experience, I'd seriously consider getting transition training from one of the Van's recommended CFI's listed on their web page:


I see there is someone close to you:

Tom Berge ( Plymouth, Minnesota )

If you pick a CFI who is intimately familiar with RV's, you'll get really good advice, as opposed to a CFI more used to Cessnas and Pipers.

Also, Mike Seagar in Oregon, has all the Van's models at his disposal. I personally know three pilots who flew with him and were really impressed with his abilities. Good luck and have fun in your RV!
I have purchased an RV-8 and need some transition time. Additionally, I need an RV-8 sign off by a CFI for insurance purposes.

My insurance company wanted 10 hrs -8 time as well for hull insurance, after a couple telephone calls they accepted my transition training with Mike Seager in his -7. I was a low time pilot with maybe 16 hrs in a Citabria and 7 hrs in the -7.