Have a vettermen exhaust system arriving next week with duel heat muffs. Want max heat in the cabin when needed. Would I want 2 heat boxes, one for front seat, one for the back. Or run both heat muff scats to a Y connector, then to the heat box, and split it again for the front and back of the cabin. Any good ideas ? Appreciate everyone's comments. Bill
I have the Vetterman mufflers and installed two heater boxes. One directed to the center front floor area and the second plumbed to an eyeball on the aft side of the front baggage compartment. They produce a prolific amount of heat. After running with them for two years I removed the heater box and scat hose going to the front area and now only use the eyeball to direct heat. Note if you do this you have to remove the heat muff shrowd from the muffler and replace it with a clam shell cover made from a scrap piece of aluminum. Easy to do, Vetterman provided a description. I also have heated seats :)

P.S. The reason I removed the second heater box was to reduce the clutter in the engine compartment and facilitate air flow. Not much room between the engine and firewall
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I also went with dual Vetterman mufflers with one ducted to the pilot's foot area, the other thru the right rear of the baggage compartment to an eyeball vent to blow along the right side of the fuselage to the passenger area.

The problem is that there is not quite enough heat makes it to the back thru the right side vent and the GIB starts to complain. That means opening the left side pilot foot area vent which roasts the pilot... LOTS of heat, but getting it where you want it is a bit of a problem.

I've seen various efforts to duct it thru the spar, around the spar etc but none that really appeal to me. Try a search...

I would be reluctant to combine two muffler heat sources as they get REALLY hot... I had some spiral wrap loom touching one of the scat hoses and it melted it so be cautious... If you're really talking heat muffs rather than mufflers, then combining them to a baggage compartment vent might be feasible, but MUCH less heat.

Good luck, and if you come up with something innovative please post so we can all check it out...
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