
Well Known Member
C-GURV was first flown on November 4, 2004 after 1600 hours and 5 1/2 years of effort. Is one of the older slow build kits, so only the skins were pre-punched, although this in itself saved a LOT of work.

It is a pretty standard airplane, nothing fancy in the way it was built nor equipped. Since it was my first airplane, I didn't want to get too exotic or too far from Van's plans.

As far as doodads are concerned:

Catto FP 3 Bladed Prop
Dynon D-10 EFIS
RMI uEncoder (to be replaced with a Trio EZ-Pilot in September 2006)
RMI uMonitor
Microair 760 Comm and T2000 Transponder
Flightcom stereo intercom
AOA Indicator
Steam guages from Vans
We just started using the plane for cross-country. We live just outside Ottawa, Ontario and have travelled to Halifax, Nova Scotia (one tank of fuel and 3.5 hours) and Oshkosh (4 hours, with stops for Customs).

We love the airplane, and are looking forward to getting around North America in it over the coming years.





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It was a whirlwind trip. In on Saturday for a birthday bash (my sisters live near Milford Station), then back out again Sunday morning before the weather closed in.

Next time I'll give you a heads up.
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Very nice Mark. I like your color choices on all parts. Very clean looking. Have fun! I'll be up there one day.

Beautiful Bird


Congrats! Yours is one of the nicest looking -8s out there. Great choice of color scheme. 3 bladed Catto really gives it a sharp look.

Just curious... happy with the prop? Pretty sure I know what the answer is since almost nobody has anything bad to say about Catto props.


Thanks, Jim. I appreciate the compliment.

Yes, absolutely, I love the prop. and you're right, it looks cool :D