Well Known Member
I may have missed it since I don't check this site as frequently as I should, but is there any RV-8/8A builders' meeting planned for Oshkosh? We used to have a meeting or two in the Theater in the Woods so that builders could meet and swap lies. Did that die out?
Although I have never attended one, I remember reading postings about this in previous years on the Yahoo group(s), and you're right Don - I haven't heard a peep from anyone this year.....I was hoping to get up there this year, but family events are conspiring against me, so once again, I doubt that KOSH will be on my route....:(
Yeah, I started those meetings a LONG time ago ... held them every year and had anywhere from a handful to a couple dozen builders in attendance. Bob Dimeo even brought doughnuts a couple of times! Then, somebody wanted to change the time and place, so I bowed out. I don't think anyone held it last year at all.

Well, even though it's the 11th hour, I'll just plan to hang around the Theater in the Woods on FRIDAY MORNING at 9:00am. If anyone wants to stop by, maybe we'll have an impromptu gathering and we can get reacquainted or meet new builders. If nobody shows up by 9:30, no problem. I'm sure I can find something to do ...


All RV-8/8A builders/pilots welcome!

-- Don

We were all waiting for you to set up the meeting. If I'm still there Friday, I'll drop by. Anyway I'll probably see you at Friar Tuck's.
RV-8 Meet

Count me in Don. It'll be good to see you again, and meet other -8 builders. Maybe even Jay Pratt. :D

Well, I'd say we have a quorum!

Danny, Bob Dimeo will bring the donuts, I'm sure.

Paul, don't look for me at Friar's until Thursday night. Marital compromise requires my presence in Colorado until then. When I DO get there, expect to buy me something strong. BTW, my wife still has that Bacardi shirt that cost you so dearly ... :D
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I stood by a tree and waited ... and waited ... sipped my coffee and waited ... nobody showed up.

Then it occurred to me -- IT'S ONLY THURSDAY. D'oh.

So, I repeated that the next morning at 9am sharp. Same result. I guess everybody found better things to do. It IS Oshkosh, after all...
N8RV said:
So, I repeated that the next morning at 9am sharp. Same result. I guess everybody found better things to do. It IS Oshkosh, after all...

Hmm... I was there, with about six other RV-8ers, at 0900, and we had a nice, hour-long conversation. We were on the north side of the theater, about halfway back along the edge of the roof.

Sorry you missed it, but I can understand why. We were a pretty ragged-looking bunch. ;) You were probably looking for a reputable-looking, clean-cut group.

Maybe next year, we should all wear VAF hats, or T-shirts with the number 8 on them, or something.)
BuckWynd said:
Hmm... I was there, with about six other RV-8ers, at 0900, and we had a nice, hour-long conversation. We were on the north side of the theater, about halfway back along the edge of the roof...

LOL!! Well, I saw a group of guys standing, then sitting, in a circle under the roof of the theater, but didn't recognize any of them. Well, true to my word, I stood dutifully under a tree -- just as I said -- till 0925, then gave up.

You mean nobody in the group even wondered why that guy wearing a Van's tee shirt and hat with "N8RV" embroidered on it was just standing around under a tree, sipping coffee? :D

Well, I guess that means that YOU'RE in charge of next year's builders' meetings, dude. I'll look for a group of nondescript guys under the roof ...