
I'm New Here

First time poster, long time looker. Forgive me if this isn't the right board...

I was just wondering about whether or not there are people who will build an RV for you? I know the intent in flying a Vans is that you have some sweat equity in the game, but I also know that anything I build, I wouldn't want me or anyone else flying it. I know my limitations on this and while I have every confidence in my flying abilities (former mil, current commercial), I know that my personal safety would be enhanced if someone could build one for me.

Are there people or companies that will do that? Just wondering and I look forward to anything everyone has to say.

Thanks in advance!

WM :)
Don’t sell yourself short. Most builders have no experience when they start.
Many probably don’t even have your healthy focus on safety.

Knowing your limitations is great, cause it’s motivation for learning.

There are some very simple rules to follow which you will quickly get into. Also, this forum is definitely a unlimited resource in getting things safely built.

Also take a look at EAA’s offering on introduction courses for builders.
First rule of EAB: If you wanna build, build. But, if you wanna fly, buy!

Sounds like you'd be better off buying a good low-time RV-8 from someone who's looking to fund a new build.
Welcome to VAF

Jim, welcome aboard the good ship VAF:D

Yes, there are folks out there who will build you a plane-----but as it has been pointed out, this is against the FAA regs.

If you have any interest in building, you might be able to find a project that someone is letting go.

Otherwise buying a flying plane may be a good option.

First time poster, long time looker. Forgive me if this isn't the right board...

I was just wondering about whether or not there are people who will build an RV for you? I know the intent in flying a Vans is that you have some sweat equity in the game, but I also know that anything I build, I wouldn't want me or anyone else flying it. I know my limitations on this and while I have every confidence in my flying abilities (former mil, current commercial), I know that my personal safety would be enhanced if someone could build one for me.

Are there people or companies that will do that? Just wondering and I look forward to anything everyone has to say.

Thanks in advance!

WM :)

Synergy Air builder assist can help you. You'll end up with a show quality airplane.

First time poster, long time looker. Forgive me if this isn't the right board...

but I also know that anything I build, I wouldn't want me or anyone else flying it.

Ha !!:D laughed myself silly when I read this part. People always ask me, "did you build your 8"? I always say "NO, if I built it, you wouldn't wanna fly in it, and neither would I":D:D
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